Did you know there is up to £1,500 available to put towards a training course for yourself or to get your staff up-skilled?...
District Council News
Draft Local Plan Final Consultation Nears
You are invited to have your say on the draft Local Plan as it goes through its final round of public consultation. ...
Revisions to draft Local Plan announced
Uttlesford District Council have announced a revised version of their draft Local Plan. The revisions have seen adjustments made to the number of new houses to be built in Uttlesford following an...
New rules for postal voting at elections
New rules governing the handling of postal votes have been announced by the Election Commission. Election campaigners are now banned from handling postal votes on behalf of others....
Why research park is up for sale
Selling a research park near Cambridge makes for good business, explains the district council's portfolio holder for Finance and the Economy ...
Waste Collection Update
The latest update by the district council on their "patchwork" refuse service has no news of when refuse trucks will be heading to Stansted....
Refuse Collections Resume
The district council say refuse collections will return this week....
Refuse update from UDC chief exec
Peter Holt, chief executive at Uttlesford District Council, says contingency plans are being put in place to resume refuse collections asap....
“Administrative failure” blamed for disrupted refuse service
Uttlesford Council's chief executive has issued a statement on why bins aren't being emptied currently. ...
Have your say: car park changes
Uttlesford District Council want your views on their proposed changes to their car parks....