New rules for postal voting at elections

New rules for postal voting at elections

New rules governing the handling of postal votes have been announced by the Election Commission.

Election campaigners are now banned from handling postal votes on behalf of others. Exceptions include handling their own postal votes, those of close family members, or someone they provide regular care for.

The rules have been designed to reduce opportunities for election fraud.

Rules & Restrictions

  • Anyone taking postal votes to a polling station can hand in no more than FIVE. If you exceed the limit all postal votes you handle will be rejected.
  • A ‘return of postal voting documents’ form needs to be filled in by anyone handing in a postal vote, along with a declaration they are not a campaigner
  • Postal votes ‘left behind’ at a polling station will not be accepted
  • Postal votes will only be accepted if handed in personally at Uttlesford District Council, London Road, Saffron Walden CB11 4ER. Postal votes left in the council’s mailbox will be rejected.
  • Trying to find out how someone voted when completing their postal vote is also now an offence. Communicating how a postal voter voted is also one too.PenaltiesMishandling postal votes could see you fined and/or imprisoned for up two years. On an upbeat note, if you miss the post, you can still have a postal vote handed in at a polling station (or at the UDC office) before 10pm on a polling day.

Find out more

You can read more about the rules governing Postal Voting at the Election Commission own website.

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