Open Spaces Chair Report – April 2024

Open Spaces Chair Report – April 2024

Rogue motorcycle riders have forced the (temporary) closure of permissive paths on Elms Farm while they are repaired, reports Open Spaces Chair Jo Kavanagh


No updates to report regarding handovers, since our site visits in March. Photos taken by Cllr Guney show that the open space still requires work at Elms Farm. The situation should continue to be monitored by members of the working group, the clerk and the OS chair.

I have some worrying news to report regarding Elms Farm. We have received several emails from the landowner with reports of anti-social behaviour on the land – youths on motorbikes riding along the permissive paths, damaging the paths, fencing, removing hedging, damaging trees and gates. The police are aware and this is an active case. It is similar to problems with bike riders last year, who were meeting at a spot in Elsenham, which is now subject to development. There has also been damage at the allotments.

All members of the public are asked to be alert, report in the first instance to the police, and advise the parish clerk. Regrettably, it does mean that the landowner has restricted access to the permissive paths while repair work is carried out.

Councillors are reminded that permissive paths can be temporarily closed at any time by the landowner. The landowner is within their rights to withdraw access to their land at any time and of course, is more likely to do so if the pathways are abused. Should any member of the public contact them about this, please bear this in mind.


Grass cutting has started; the cutting schedule is fortnightly for most areas. Any concerns regarding grass cutting should, in the first instance, be raised with the parish office. Some areas are the responsibility of Uttlesford whose schedule is less frequent. Our district councillors are expected to make themselves aware of the details before responding to comments.


I would like to remind everyone about the litter pick on 27 April. All councillors were asked to promote this event, so please do so, even if you are not available on the day.

Any members of the public or the council who know of areas which need attention, please let the clerk know.


Footway along Elsenham Road between Honours and May Walk

We have not been able to ascertain the ownership of the land along this stretch of road. Essex County Council should therefore be instructed to force the owner to clear the overgrowth from the footway.

Recreation Ground Grass

We continue to monitor the condition of the grass in the goalmouths.