SMPC Chair’s June Report – 2023

SMPC Chair’s June Report – 2023

Steps taken to fill vacant councillor posts and commission a second survey of the Recreation Ground, reports Council Chair Maureen Caton

Funding for potholes & youth services

Essex County Cllr Gooding has been politely reminded of the Chair’s request at the last meeting for specific information on the additional funding to be allocated on repairs to the Stansted potholes.

I am also aware that the funding for the Essex Youth Strategy work in Uttlesford is to be reduced. We need to understand the specifics of this and the impact on our Youth Service provision we co–fund with Uttlesford. We urgently need clear feedback from you, Cllr Gooding as a County and District Cllr who wears both hats on this issue.

Twinning trip success

Congratulations to all involved with the visit to our twin town of Rungis.

It was certainly a very busy, but very enjoyable visit – meeting various organisations and being welcomed into their community events.

The Mayor of Rungis will hopefully visit us next year along with committee members and residents who are part of the association.

We thank them for their hospitality and friendship.

We are now jointly working on forging more  links between families and young people, and especially the schools.

We hope this will be promoted with the visit of Rungis students to spend time with their peers at Foresthall School.

Second sinkhole survey

We have obtained three quotes to undertake the ground penetration X-ray survey of the Recreation Ground as recommended by the initial specialist surveyor who looked at our sinkhole and two at the Bowls Club.

Having taken up references, the contract has been awarded today and we will keep the community informed of progress.

Gigaclear not in the clear

Gigaclear, who are busy laying down fibre-broadband in the village. have made some suggestions regarding planting that can disguise the box sited at Five Acres.

Residents have been made aware of these suggestions.

We will be seeking compensation for the error of siting this on our land without consultation once the residents have been consulted as stated.

Annual fetes?

Following the Events Group feedback meeting, we agreed I would consult with various local organisations on the possibility of them undertaking the co-ordination of a summer community event in the future.

Whilst the events to date have been hugely successful, the time and impact on other tasks for specific councillors and staff cannot support this as a yearly event. Again, I will keep you posted on developments.

Co-options deadline set

The clerk , vice-chair and myself have prepared the co-option process and requested paperwork to proceed with advertising the positions tomorrow, 15 June, with an applications closing date of June 30, and the item on our Full Council agenda for July 5.

For our new member and interested parish Councillors in particular – we will be organising our induction process along with the Essex Association of Local Councils new councillor training when the co-option process has been finalised.

There will also be a safeguarding training session organised which the Chair will try to commission on-line.

Praise for financial stewardship

Finally, congratulations to the clerk and the chair of finance. The Internal Audit Report shows our finances are in safe hands at this Parish Council.

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