Consultation: Electric Charging Points

Consultation: Electric Charging Points

Essex County Council wants your views on its plans to roll out 6,000 charging points across Essex by 2030.

The Government has set out plans to reduce carbon on our roads by phasing out the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030.

Alongside this, Essex County Council has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 to help tackle climate change.

In Essex, around half of all CO2e emissions are from transport and a shift towards electric vehicles is an important part of achieving the net zero goal and improving air quality, alongside the continued work to encourage more sustainable transport options.

Essex has already seen a significant increase in the ownership of plug-in vehicles in recent years and there are over 300 registered public charging points. However, as we continue to make this shift, we need to go further, and it is predicted we will need up to 6,000 public charge points across the county by 2030.

Essex can lead the way in shifting to safer, greener, healthier travel, but to do so, residents, businesses and visitors need access to a reliable, convenient, accessible and fairly priced network of electric vehicle charging points.

Essex County Council’s Electric Vehicle Charge Point Strategy is the first step in making this happen, setting out a simple vision – the Right Charger in the Right Place.Your views on the draft strategy are important and your feedback will help further shape the strategy before it is formally launched.

To find out more and have your say, head to The consultation closes on the 30th July.

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