Precept for 2024/5
The precept is the part of your council tax bill that Uttlesford District Council collect on behalf of the Parish Council. It is calculated at a level to cover the expenditure of Stansted Mountfitchet Parish Council for the next financial year.
Our Parish Councillors vote on the precept at a Full Council meeting at the beginning of each year.
Below we have highlighted some of the expenditure items paid for by the precept. Figures from the previous financial year are listed along side to help make a comparison.
Financial Years: 2023/4 2024/5
Gardening £39,350 £39,700
Grass & Hedge Cutting £20,395 £27,194
Trees £5,000 £11,000
Day Centre £13,300 £14,050
Mountfitchet Exchange £4,300 £11,700
PCSO / Special Constable £12,000 £12,600
Youth Centre £11,000 £11,000
Youth Club Grant £7,500 £7,500
The Link magazine £6,890 £7,500
Community Grant £6,300 £7,600
Lighting £33.500 £62,800
Windmill £4,300 £4,500
Play Areas £2,500 £10,750
CCTV £2,600 £6,960
How much is the precept in 2024?
The precept will rise by 9% in 2024/5 to cover the parish council’s budget of £477,766. This is the equivalent of a rise for a resident of 24 pence per week, or a precept for the year of £139.51 for a Band D listed property.
Why has Stansted’s precept increased?
In 2023/4 SMPC froze the precept at £127.88. The freeze was to help residents cope with the cost of living crisis. The SMPC’s own rising energy costs have made it impossible to do so again this year.
In 2024 extra money has been needed for a new CCTV system, repairs at Crafton Green, extra grass cuts of the cemetery, and fixing village play areas.
Where can I find out more about SMPC budget?
A full breakdown of the SMPC’s income and expenditure for the year is included at the documents section of this website.Just search for Approved Budget for 2024.
What else does my council tax pay for?
Uttlesford District Council collects your Council Tax and put it into a separate fund called the collection fund.
In 2023/24 on an average Council D band property in Essex a total council tax bill is estimated at £2,044.67. This represents a rise of £79.07 (or an increase of 4.02%) on council tax set for the proceeding year.
F0r every £1 of your council tax is split between Essex County Council (71p), Policing & Community Safety (11p), Uttlesford District Council (9p), Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (4p), and Town/Parish Councils (5p).
Stansted Mountfitchet Parish Council, like all parish councils, needs to set its precept at a level to cover its own expenditure in the coming financial year. In this way, SMPC does not receive any additional money from the collection fund to pay for its services.