Foresthall Park Consultation

Foresthall Park Consultation

There are still a couple of days left to have your say on proposed parking measures on Foresthall Park if you live on the development.

The consultation on potential parking measures that include the creation of possible pedestrian crossings, the introduction of a 20mph speed limit and a residents parking permit scheme as well asthe implementation of red or white lines in certain places ends this Friday on June 30.

If you haven’t yet sent in your responses to this survey, you can still do so by either completing the consultation leaflet put through your door earlier this month and returning it to us at the Mountfitchet Exchange.

Alternatively you can complete an online version by clicking

Whichever way you choose, please do not submit multiple versions of the survey and remember to include your name and address when submitting your views. This will allow us to verify respondents live on Foresthall Park and are therefore able to participate in the consultation.