Parish Council Chair Maureen Caton provides an update on repairs to the Day Centre and on going problems plaguing Grove Hill.
The Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner elections will take place on May 2nd this year for the Essex Police Authority. There are candidates representing the three main parties and 1 English Democrat representative. Please remember the recent changes to the postal voting system to cast your vote – with a deadline for postal votes being 17th Also, personal identification verification is required.
The structural refurbishment in the old Day Centre building – now leased to and housing the Touchpoint operation – should be complete by the end of this week, and then the kitchen refurbishment will commence with new appliances and worktops being installed. It is hoped we will have a definitive date for services to commence operation again by the end of the week which we will publish.
No doubt Councillor Gooding will give more detail in his report on the changes to the Uttlesford Local Highways Panel – with the setting up of a Chairs’ panel that will discuss the more expensive proposals and manage a budget allocation of £2m to consider issues such as Pedestrian Crossings, the survey into the Grove Hill issues – when it is finalised. Cllr Gooding will also report how we can expect to get our pot holes repaired in the future. In relation to the water leak on Grove Hill we had Cllr Gooding’s assurance he was co-ordinating a joint agency response to this – but we have also heard from Dist Cllr Dean that Thames Water have visited the site and concluded it is from a soft water source, and not a mains water supply from a hard water source supply by Thames Water – their conclusion is that Essex Highways need to complete the fix.
At a recent meeting with our County and District Councillors I stressed the importance of a meeting with County Councillor Cunningham being agreed as requested – in relation to the Highways issues we have continuously raised and with answers long overdue. Cllr Gooding is to pursue this issue again urgently.
Bingate – we understand the Task and Finish group at UDC have completed their review of this service failure and a report is to be presented to the next Scrutiny meeting on April 16th. However, we hope that UDC also quickly address their current inability to consistently collect refuse in all parts of Stansted which our District Councillors have reported.
This report was presented to the Full Council on 10 April 2024