Uttlesford’s Local Plan & Stansted

Uttlesford’s Local Plan & Stansted

You can discover what the future of the village could look like by tuning into a district council meeting on Wednesday.

Uttlesford’s Local Plan Leadership Group is holding a meeting tomorrow to discuss a draft version of its much anticipated – and delayed! – Local Plan 2021-2041. 

Ten members of the public are permitted to address members at the start of the meeting (by prior arrangement) and then to listen to the proceedings. 

If you are not among them, you can follow the meeting as it being filmed and made available at https://tinyurl.com/2zj77uts

390 dwellings for Stansted

The draft Local Plan details how the authority envisages development happening in Uttlesford from 2021 to 2041. 

The Local Plan is still subject to change and has yet to be debated by Uttlesford’s elected representatives. 

At this draft stage, Stansted Mountfitchet is pencilled in for “390 dwellings” over the lifespan of the Local Plan. 

The authority says these will consist of “affordable and specialist housing on high-quality development to the north of the settlement and outside the Green Belt.” 

That is, 250 homes are being proposed for Walpole Meadows North, East of Pennington Lane, and 140 homes built east of High Lane North. 

Community gains tagged to this development – if green-lighted – would include: 

  • a 2-form entry primary school 
  • a new community facility, to comprise either an educational, health or leisure function
  • new areas of green and blue infrastructure which link the settlement into the natural resources within the wider landscape
  • enhanced pedestrian and cycle connectivity along Cambridge Road 

The draft Local Plan also calls for the strengthening of the Countryside Protection Zone. This was created under Uttlesford’s Local Plan for 2005-2025 and aims to ensure the rural setting of Stansted is preserved.

Find out more

You can download and read a copy of the draft Local Plan:

Public Reports Pack 04102023 1900 Local Plan Leadership Group

Residents who would like to ask a question about the draft Local Plan and to attend the Leadership Group meeting can do so by writing to committee@uttlesford.gov.uk, registering your intention to speak with Democratic Services. .

Public Consultation

Residents across the district are to be consulted about the proposed direction of the Local Plan possibly as soon as November this year. .


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