Bloor Homes says Walpole Meadows 2 should bring benefits for Pennington Lane and nearby highway improvements
Members of the Stansted Mountfitchet Parish Council’s Planning Working Group met with representatives of Bloor Homes ahead of the community engagement event they held on 24th April.
At this meeting the masterplan layout was discussed. The developer explained the rationale for having the country park at the northern end of the site to act as a green buffer to minimise the visual impact of the proposed development as you approach the village from the north.
Pennington Lane
It was reassuring to hear the Phase 2 development allows for a much wider boundary to the western side where it meets Pennington Lane.
Some houses in Phase 1 were built so close to the boundary that sections of the ancient hedgerow were lost forever, and members made clear that this must not be repeated.
Bloor are also proposing to close off a section of Pennington Lane to traffic thereby making it more enjoyable for walkers, horse-riders, cyclists etc. This is a long-held wish of the Parish Council.
Land but no funds for community centre
Clarification was sought on the current position regarding the two sites allocated in Phase 1 for educational provision.
Whilst land will be available in Phase 2 for a community facility, funds will be required from elsewhere to design and build it.
It was confirmed that Bloor are considering our request for off-site highway improvements to include upgrading the footway from High Lane, around the corner and along the B1383 to Five Acres and installing street lighting.
Ideally this would be accompanied by an application to reduce the speed limit to 30mph as far as the roundabout at the entrance to the development.