
Minutes, Reports & Agenda – 23 March 2022

Full Council Uploaded on April 24, 2023


MINUTES of a meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 23rd March 2022 in The Mountfitchet Exchange, Crafton Green, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex

PRESENT  Cllrs M Caton (Chair), Cllrs A Barnes, G Braeckman, A Guney, J Hudson, M Jessup,

P Jones, J Kavanagh, A Khan, J O’Brien, L Prior, F Richards and G Sell


Mrs Ruth Clifford – Parish Clerk

Mrs Emma Philbrick – Trainee Deputy Clerk

1 member of the press

1 member of the public


 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hogg – Holiday, Cllr Sell – Representing the Parish Council at another meeting and Cllr Smith – Work. Having been proposed by Cllr Richards and seconded by Cllr Jessup it was unanimously:

RESOLVED to accept the apologies for Cllrs Hogg, Sell and Smith

Apologies were also received from Cty Cllr Gooding as he was attending the same meeting as  Cllr Sell



One member of the public spoke on the following:

– The increased cost of grain and “Putin’s War”

– His contact with Peter Holt since the last meeting regarding another licensed pharmacy in the village

– Speed Watch and thanks to Cllr Prior for promoting

– Highways and the recently installed traffic counters which were not installed by ECC as originally thought

Public Participation Ends



            Cllr Braeckman – Item 11


              RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2022 as a true and accurate account.


            Action points 347b and 352 have been completed.

Action point 349 – Waiting on Cty Cllr Gooding 

370      TO RECEIVE THE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT  –           Attached


  1. a) Cllr Khan reported that there have been issues with the UDC maintenance provider, Norse. There appear to have been significant failings and, in particular, a failure of contract management. The Chief Executive has raised this and an update is due on 30 March.  Further information can be found on the UDC website under the Governance, Audit and Performance Committee.
  2. b) The commitment to build 183 homes will not be achieved within the given timescale. This is disappointing as it means that there is more reliance on developers providing their 40% “Affordable” homes.  He asked all members that if they had any suggestions of land on which UDC could provide social housing, they should notify him.  The Chairman suggested that a joint project with Essex CC on the Youth Centre site might be worth investigating.

372      FINANCE – TO APPROVE THE LIST OF PAYMENTS           –           Approved


            This was distributed to members ahead of the meeting and received


1          UTT/22/0593/HHF – 2 MAITLAND ROAD

 Single storey side extension to replace the existing utility room. Replacement of rear    conservatory with solid brick extensions and tiled roof. Front door to be relocated and a           new canopy roof installed

            No Comment

2          UTT/22/0614/HHF – 42 BLUEBELL DRIVE

            Proposed single storey rear extension with a lean too roof and roof light

            No Comment

3          UTT/22/0647/HHF – BAKERY COURT

            Proposed replacement windows

            No Comment

4          UTT/22/0666/LB – 2 BAKERY COURT

            Proposed replacement windows

            No Comment

5          UTT/22/0672/FUL – BARNS AT PARSONAGE FARM

            Removal of condition 2 (details of hard and soft landscaping) of UTT/19/0359/FUL to allow      landscaping details to be submitted before occupation instead of within 6 months

            The Parish Council supports this application

6          UTT/22/0725/HHF – 59 BLYTHWOOD GARDENS

            Erection of single storey rear extension

            No Comment

7          UTT/21/1991/DOC – LAND NORTH OF WATER LANE

            Application to discharge condition 2 (construction management plan) and 10 (details of           materials) attached to UTT/19/2388/DFO

            The Council objects to the application for the following reasons/questions:

a) It is stated that vehicles will enter the site in reserve gear. How ill they approach the site, in forward gear or reverse gear?

b) Has account been taken of the residential vehicles parked opposite the cottages which are adjacent to the site?

c) Will there be any negotiation with UDC to ensure no disruption to household rubbish collection?

d) Wheel washing. Where will the dirty water run off drain? Hopefully, not into the brook?

e) What action will be taken if there is non-compliance?

f) Lower Street car park is off Lower Street, not Church Road, as stated in the Traffic Management Plan.

g) What contingency is in place should Station Road be inaccessible?

h) The plan should also refer to no parking in or blocking of the station car park

i) The deliveries are timed to finish and clear from site by 4.30pm, however school timings will mean Water Lane is likely to be busy with pedestrians (school children) earlier in the

8          UTT/22/0730/HHF – 12 CHAPEL HILL

            Single storey link extension and conversion of outbuilding

            No Comment

9          UTT/22/0748/LB – 12 CHAPEL HILL

            Single storey link extension and conversion of outbuilding

            No Comment

10        UTT/22/0738/HHF – MERRY HILL, 28 BREWERY LANE

            Proposed demolition of existing ground floor bedroom, utility room and car port. Erection        of 1 and half storey side extension and rendering to front and rear elevations.

            No Comment


            Outline application for demolition of existing structures and redevelopment of 61.86Ha to       provide 195,100sqm commercial/employment development predominantly within Class

            B8 with Classes E(g), B2 and supporting food retail/food/beverage/nursery uses within            Class E (a), E (b) and E (f) and associated access/highway works, substation, strategic     landscaping and cycle route with matters of layout, scale, appearance and other          landscaping reserved.

            RECOMMENDATION: Holding objection subject to the items below being clarified or       developed further


1          Principle of the designation of the land

Uttlesford District Council’s current planning policy is to safeguard all the land within the airport boundary for airport-related use – “Industrial and commercial development    unrelated to the airport will not be permitted on the site”. Approval of this application   would contravene that policy. There is evidence within the comments submitted on the  planning portal that at least one airline, Universal Aviation, rely on part of this site for parking their aircraft.

The emerging new Local Plan indicates that this “airport-related only” designation may be relaxed to permit small scale ancillary retail and leisure (as defined in Use Classes A1 to A3          and D2) to serve the needs, primarily, of employees in the area. Use class B8 (predominant use of this application) is not listed as permitted.

2          Re-provision of youth football pitches

The Council has had several meetings with the applicant and has visited alternative sites which we consider could be more suitable. We were not party to the discussions with BMAT and have no sight or knowledge of the proposed operating model. We do not consider that the Forest Hall School location is the most satisfactory to benefit Stansted and Elsenham players and we have significant doubts that the operating model of management would treat them as a priority. We endorse wholeheartedly the comments made by Roy Warren, Sport England, 11 March 2022. We look forward to playing a key role as stakeholders in negotiations going forward.

UDC has frequently acknowledged that Stansted falls short in terms of sporting provision.  This is an opportunity not only to make provision for what is being lost on the airport site, but to work with the community to enhance that provision for the wider benefit.

3          Pedestrian and Cycle links

Insufficient community gain in terms of safe routes to and from Stansted Mountfitchet. In the Environmental Statement Volume 1, Chapter 7 Traffic and Transport, it is stated that Church Road has footways on both sides – this is inaccurate. No attempt has been made to safely connect the route from Church Road across to PRoW45 as can be seen in Figure 7.3.

4          Public Transport

There has been no attempt to improve the bus service for residents of Stansted Mountfitchet. The 510 service connects Foresthall Park with the airport, however this is not easily accessed by many residents in Stansted, especially those living centrally or to the west. Would like to see discussions about broadening the route of the 510 or re-routing the 7/7A existing service to connect with the 510.

There appears to be no plan to improve the number of airport trains stopping in Stansted Mountfitchet.

Generally, it will be very difficult for any resident of Stansted who wishes to work at this development site, to access by public transport.

5 Impact on Local Highway Network

Any increase in commercial non-airfield related business will add to the burden on the local infrastructure. Should such a vast scheme become reality, then the projected growth in traffic volume, published by Stansted Airport Ltd in their application to expand to 43mppa, is likely to be exceeded. No matter whether HGVs will be forced to access and egress via Junction 8 of the M11, there will still be the incoming/outgoing routes of employees and smaller transport.

In the Environmental Statement Volume 1, Chapter 7 Traffic and Transport, page 19 at 7.110 it is stated that the average increase in traffic using Church Road, over a 24-hour period, is   4% representing a negligible impact. It must be remembered that this increase comes on top of the predicted 30.2% increase claimed by Stansted Airport Limited following their studies related to the planning application to increase to 43mppa.

6          Building Heights

We support the comments made by a resident of The Forge, Burton End. The proposed building heights appear to be excessive rather than the “industry standard” when compared  with other examples quoted. The effect on residents of Burton End in particular, will be devastating. Whilst it is stated that matters of layout, scale and appearance are reserved  until the detailed application stage, the information is included as part of the outline application and we would ask you to set a maximum height which will be allowed. It may well be that this land ceases to be part of the “airport in the countryside” but the requirement for the buildings to sit more sympathetically in their surroundings should be  adhered to.

7          Air Training Corps

We are concerned that the ATC, a squadron which has had the airport as its home for decades, has been given notice to quit without any re-provision suggested. As with the youth football pitches, the minimum we would expect is an alternative site to be allocated  by Columbia Threadneedle on the new development, or a requirement that Manchester Airport Group offer an alternative within the airport boundary.


The Clerk reminded members that, currently, the document outlining the Council’s comments on the Call for Sites shows support for site 023 for 5 houses.  In light of the recent objection to a planning application on this site and the adjacent one, she wondered if members’ views remained unchanged.  After brief discussion, members agreed to amend their comments to object to this site for the reasons stated under the planning application.

Cllr Jones urged members to pay a visit to site 013 and to consider how that would look with up to 66 houses on it as he believed there would be loss of views.  This item will be re-visited at the next meeting.


Cllr Caton advised the following:

–           Linked up with someone putting on entertainment in Saffron Walden for the Jubilee  and we already have one confirmed act and several others in progress.

–           Amps and microphones have been confirmed

–           Planning on having children’s entertainment such as arts and crafts. Possible face  painting and bouncy castles too.

–           Have support from the Residents Association of the Recreation Ground

–           A stage is a definite possibility and affordable

–           We can provide an ice cream van and have a possible publican to provide drinks. The WI are doing tea and cakes and we have received great support from Bentfield School PTA. Many thanks to them for all their help with this.

–           Cllr Guney is looking at toilets for the event and the Bowls Club have agreed to have them situated there.

–           Going to ask the Fire Engine to be out at their station

–           This will not be a profit-making event. Any money made will be given to a local charity.

–           The Windmill may not be opening as they had already planned to open on the Sunday.

–           Health & Safety Assessments will be done

–           Beacon Lighting – Looking at the site at Dairy Lane so Ruth will be taking to Crest Homes to see if it is a possibility. The Castle wasn’t keen to host due to a number of  health and safety reasons.

–           In talks with St Johns Choir

–           District Councillor Dean has given £1,000 towards the event and Laila is applying for grants.


            The Minutes of the Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 9th March 2022 were received by the Council.

Meeting Closed at 8.35pm


YOUTH CLUB The Youth Partnership meeting took place last night with Linda Barnes, Vicky Young (ECC) and John Starr (UDC). Vicky informed us that plans are now in train for the Youth Club to relocate to the Peter Kirk Centre and she will discuss the layout and furnishings of the room with Linda in due course. I advised Linda that the Council will be going out to tender for Youth Club provision later in the year ahead of the new contract starting on 1st April 2023. It should be noted by members that there are very few providers for youth services.

TOUCHPOINT Touchpoint will be operating their café in the Day Centre. On Thursday between 2pm and 5pm and Friday between 12noon and 4pm all donations will go towards the Ukraine Appeal. Our MP Kemi Badenoch will be visiting at some point on Friday afternoon.

LAND TO THE EAST OF PINES HILL District Councillor Caton has been contacted by Landiplomacy who have become a joint venture partner with Luxus Homes. Apparently, they wish to engage with the local community to understand our needs prior to putting forward any further development proposals. As yet the Parish Council has not been contacted.


NOTICE OF MEETING You are summoned to attend a meeting of the FULL COUNCIL which will be held on Wednesday 23rd March 2022 at 7.30pm in The Mountfitchet Exchange, Crafton Green, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted, Essex where the following business will be transacted:

1          To approve apologies for absence


Adjourn for public participation


2          To receive declarations of interest

3          To receive the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 2nd March 2022

4          To receive an update on progress since the last meeting

5          To receive the Chairman’s Report

6          To receive the District Councillors’ Report

7          To receive the County Councillor’s Report

8          Finance – To approve the list of payments – to be tabled at the meeting

9          Finance – To receive the Summary Income and Expenditure to 28th February 2022 – attached

10        To consider the list of planning applications received– attached

11        Call For Sites – To review comments made in relation to the east of High Lane – Sites 023 and 024

12        To receive an update from the Events Working Group

13        Open Spaces Committee – To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 9th March 2022 – To follow

Ruth Clifford, Parish Clerk – 17 March 2022