Armistice Day
In November 2022, the residents of Stansted and Rungis attended their respective commemoration events for Armistice Day. This November, during the Remembrance Day service at the village cenotaph, the Twinning Association will lay a wreath on behalf of the people of Rungis, and they will lay a wreath on behalf of the people of Stansted, in a joint act of remembrance to honour people of both countries lost in conflict.
Cheese & Wine Party
Our party on 9th December 2022 became a drinks and fish & chips party with mainly Committee members attending. There was a general quiz and an exchange of Christmas Traditions quizzes between Rungis and Stansted via video link.
Christmas in Rungis
In December 2022, Rungis held their annual Christmas Market with donkey rides and a visit from Father Christmas. They also held a Christmas lights competition with a prize for the best lit house.
St Patrick’s Day Quiz
We are hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Quiz, open to anyone in Stansted, on Saturday 18th March in the Day Centre at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are £7.50 per person with teams of up to 8. Individual bookings welcome too. There will be snacks, a bar, a raffle and a prize for the winning team.
Please BOOK IN ADVANCE by emailing or call 07833 089298.
Visit to Rungis
This year, it is our turn to visit Rungis and the dates have been set at 9th to 11th June 2023 during their annual festival, la Fête de Rungis. We will need to make our own travel arrangements, and our hope is that we will all be hosted by French families.
If you would like to visit Rungis in June, please let us know by the deadline of mid-March.
Email or call 07833 089298.
Your Twinning Association Events
We would love to know what sort of events you would like your Twinning Association to offer you. Would you be interested in attending day trips (e.g. wine tasting), quiz nights, French cinema or theatre trips, etc.
Please send us an email to let us know your preferences or send us your own suggestions! Thank you.
Future Updates
We endeavour to advertise events on notice boards around the village, so do look out for details of the new events. We’re also online and on social media, so click the links below for more up-to-date information and more photos of our events.