Stansted Mountfitchet is a safe place to live. Its proximity, however, to a major airport, motorway and rail route provide opportunities for criminals from outside the area to engage in petty crime in Stansted. On this page you can find information on crime-related matters, along with advice and details of community policing events in the parish.
Keeping Stansted Safe
Each year the Parish Council sets aside funds to support policing in our community.
A Police Community Support Officer is shared between ourselves and Henham. Both parish councils contribute to fund the position with additional funding being provided by the district council. The £12000 committed from our 2024/25 budget to community policing will help to keep our street safe and a visible police presence in Stansted.
Meet our PCSO
Our Police Community Support Officer is Alex Stewart who is particularly keen to work with residents to reduce the kind of low level crime that sometimes affects our village.
He conducts regular patrols of the Stansted, assists with SpeedWatch to reduce dangerous driving along our roads, and participates in police operations to clamp down on knife crime and county lines drug activities.
PCSO Stewart is supported in his role by other members of the Uttlesford Community Policing team. Events to educate residents how to avoid scams, prevent theft and report crime are regularly put on by the team.
Their regular meet-ups are held at various spots around the village including the TouchPoint Cafe at the Day Centre on Thursdays, and outside the Co-op Store on Lower Street.
See our events calendar for the dates of times of future Street Beat events in our area. At times, due to police operational commitments these can be cancelled at short notice.
How to reach the Police Community Support Officer
- Call 101 — non urgent / non serious incidents
- A live chat 101 service on the Essex Police website
- Call 999 — serious / urgent incidents
- You can find out which is the best way to contact the Police at help us help you
Other ways to report a crime
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use the Police textphone service 18000.
Or text the Police on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.
British Sign Language (BSL) users please use our video relay service where an interpreter will help you report the crime.
If you’re in danger but you can’t talk on the phone, you should still call 999, then follow these instructions depending on whether you’re calling from a mobile or a landline
Local Neighbourhood Watch Schemes
Neighbourhood Watch Schemes aim to encourage individuals and communities to reduce and prevent crime in their areas by working together and liaising with the police in their areas.
By setting up or joining a Neighbourhood Watch initiative you can address issues relating to antisocial behaviour, create safer neighbourhoods and build community spirit and cohesion.
You can find out more at the
There are currently two schemes up and running in Stansted Mountfitchet — one covering the Foresthall Park estate, and another for Walpole Meadows.
The scheme is to support the individuals of Forest Hall Park to create a safer, stronger and active local community and to assist in the reduction of crime in the area. Contact the scheme co-ordinator
Walpole Meadows is one of the newer neighbourhoods within the village of Stansted Mountfichet. You can join the scheme by contacting its co-ordinator.
For more information
Visit our news section for updates of crime prevention initiatives and details on how the Essex Police are working to keep our village safe.