Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Elections May 2024

Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Elections May 2024

Candidates have been announced for the election of the Essex Police Fire and Crime Commissioner in May.

Four people have put their names forward to fill this post on May 2, 2024:

  • Adam Daniel FOX – Labour and Co-operative Party
  • Kieron Anthony FRANKS  – Liberal Democrat
  • Roger Charles HIRST – The Conservative Party Candidate
  • Robin Charles TILBROOK – English Democrats – “More Police – catching criminals!

You can find out each candidate’s election platform by heading to https://choosemypcc.org.uk/area/essex

Polling Stations

Voting gets under way on 2 May at 7am and closes at 10pm. Your polling card tells you which one of these polling stations you must go to:


St John’s Church Hall, St John’s Road, Stansted

The Mountfitchet Exchange, Crafton Green, Chapel Hill, Stansted


St Mary’s Church Hall, Birchanger Lane, Birchanger

St Mary’s CofE Foundation Primary School, Hampton Road, Stansted

Doors open at 7am and close at 10pm.

Register before April 16

If you’ve never registered before, have moved house or have changed your name, to vote in this election you will need to register to vote before 11.59pm on Tuesday 16 April.

You can register now at: gov.uk/register-to-vote

Voter ID required

You’ll need to bring photo ID to vote at a polling station in this election. Forms of accepted Voter ID include your passport, driver licence, Blue Badge, or Bus Pass. Out of date ID’s will not be accepted.
If you don’t have any accepted form of voter ID, you can apply for free voter ID before 5pm on Wednesday 24 April: https://rb.gy/7301bn

Proxy Votes

If you can’t get to the polling station on May 2, you can ask a trusted person to vote on your behalf and apply for a proxy vote.
The deadline to do so is 5pm on Wednesday 24 April.
Your proxy will need to take and show their photo voter ID at the polling station before they are given you ballot paper to vote.

For more information on proxy voting head to https://rb.gy/8421fg

What does a Police Fire and Crime Commissioner do?

Every four years people living in the county have the chance to choose their PFC Commissioner. People elected to this position are responsible for

  • Setting budgets and council tax precepts
  • Setting the priorities for Essex Police and Essex County Fire & Rescue Service
  • Appointing and dismissing the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer
  • Holding the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer to account for their services’ performance
  • Regularly engaging with the public and local communities
  • Allocating grants through the Community Safety Development Fund and commissioning local services
  • Bringing together community safety partners to reduce crime, support victims of crime and keep people across Essex safe from harm

You can find out more about what a PFC Commissioner does at https://www.essex.pfcc.police.uk/


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