
Minutes & Agenda – 7 April 2021

Full Council Uploaded on February 14, 2023


MINUTES of a meeting of the Full Council held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 7th April 2021. This was a virtual meeting using the Zoom platform.

PRESENT   Cllr M Caton (Chairman), Cllrs A Barnes, D Brett, J Hogg, M Jessup, J Kavanagh,

A Khan, J O’Brien, F Richards and D Wallace-Jarvis.


Mrs R Clifford – Clerk to the Council

Mrs Emma Philbrick – Trainee Deputy Clerk

Mr Dan Schlanker – Communications Officer

District Councillors M Caton and A Dean

Cty Cllr Ray Gooding

Linzi Shelford – NhW – FHP – Agenda Item 2

Paul Chambers & Keith Brown – Touchpoint – Agenda Item 9

1 member of the press

9 members of the public


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs J Hudson and G Sell


One member of the public spoke regarding the future of the hot meal provision at the Day Centre and referred to an email with attachments that she had sent to all Parish Councillors earlier in the week.

One member of the public directed three questions to Cty Cllr Ray Gooding regarding the Lower Street Pedestrian crossing and when this was likely to be completed, the shrouded light on the crossing on Chapel Hill and the pole which was demolished on the corner of Lower Street and the entrance to the car park. The one on the opposite side of the road had been removed but this one remained and looked messy and was liable to fall over.

A member of the public spoke regarding the issues on Grove Hill. He gave his thanks for the updates so far received but urged that there was still a long way to go and would like the Parish Council to keep pushing for the measures that he considers are necessary.

537      TO WELCOME Full Council Minutes 7 April 2021 – NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH – FORESTHALL PARK

Linzi addressed the meeting and explained that she had become a co-ordinator for the   Neighbourhood Watch on Foresthall Park after noticing the increased amounts of petty crime. Their aim is to work alongside the Authorities and neighbours to help local crime prevention. With current Covid-19 restrictions being carefully lifted they would like to get   out and about and meet with residents. They hope to meet quarterly with the PCSO for Stansted, Nikki Morris and run through all local concerns and gain advice on what they are residents can do. They had already held talks with Nikki who had advised them that all  suspicious activity should be reported no matter how small. The group are also receiving regular crime updates from Uttlesford which are being forwarded.

They are further trying to establish their database and are arranging distribution of window stickers and leaflet drops in the area. Their future plans as a group are to meet monthly,   normally on the first Tuesday of each month, and she would like to propose putting up   signage on Foresthall Park on the entrances and also the footpaths. They are also working closely with other local Neighbourhood Watch teams so they can assist each other. Linzi advised that she would like to attend more Full Council meetings and give updates on what has been happening in the village.

The Clerk advised she would forward on details to Linzi for the Community Safety  Partnership at Uttlesford as they are a useful source of information. The Clerk also advised that Valerie Trundle and Joy Thomas who are the Council’s long-standing representatives for Neighbourhood Watch would be standing down at the Annual Council meeting in May. Ruth understood from Valerie that Linzi had indicated that she might consider taking on this role and they agreed to discuss further outside the meeting.

Cllr Khan introduced himself and advised that both himself and Dist Cllr Caton were the District Councillors for Linzi’s ward and would be happy to meet outside of the meeting.



RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 24th February 2021 as a true and accurate account.


504 – Cllr O’Brien asked again for an explanation as to why the MUGA at Forest Hall School has to be smaller in size than was requested.

No action points.

541      CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – See attached


Cllr Khan advised that no report had been prepared by the District Councillors but referred people to the article in The Link which is written by the Stansted District Councillors. He also advised that Uttlesford had opened up grants for businesses to assist with opening up as of  next week post Covid-19.

543      COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – see attached

Cty Cllr Gooding responded to comments made during public participation:

He offered to meet with the member of public regarding the hot meal service at the Day Centre and with a resident of Lower Street about issues in the area.

Regarding Cllr O’Brien’s query relating to the MUGA at Forest Hall School, Cllr Gooding has made little progress in establishing the facts and welcomed any information that others might have available.

In response to a query from Cllr Brett relating to old, bent and redundant street furniture the Chairman suggested that he supply a detailed list to the office and the Clerk suggested that he could report them himself online. Cllr Wallace-Jarvis then praised Essex Highways for various improvements which had taken place after she had reported them online

Cty Cllr Gooding advised that at the Uttlesford Local Highways Panel meeting the previous day the safety bollard report for the possible installation of bollards on Grove Hill had been made available and had concluded that the bollards would not be safe. He would obtain a copy of the report and circulate to interested parties should they wish to challenge the findings.


The Chairman introduced representatives of a recently formed organisation called Touchpoint who’s aims, and objectives are to deliver/facilitate access to a variety of    community services across all age groups in Stansted. Services might include a café, debt management advice, accredited work-based training, meal provision and other services which are still to be investigated. Their vision is to use the community facilities at Crafton Green as a proper community hub with the main point of contact being at the Day Centre. A more detailed presentation had been circulated to all members before the meeting and Paul expanded on some of the points made. He made reference to some of the grants available to fund similar projects but without a confirmed base to work from the group was unable to progress funding applications or partnership. agreements.

A number of questions were raised by members with the key points summarised below:

Youth Mental Health – In response to Cllr Brett’s question, Paul stated that the group would look to work with qualified organisations who could assist young people and he would be happy to have a discussion with Cllr Brett outside of the meeting.

Performance Monitoring – Cllr Khan asked how Touchpoint would monitor the performance and quality of advice given by partner organisations. Keith explained that this information can be obtained via Uttlesford District Council who maintain very detailed metrics across a variety of community profiles.

UDC involvement – Dist Cllr Dean stated he was pleased that UDC appeared to be engaging on this subject as he, as a member, knew little of their proposals following the cessation of the hot meal provision for older members of our community.

Funding and time-scales – Cllr Hogg asked about levels of funding available to the project. Paul stated that there are a number of grants available for start-up projects but the long-term aim would be for the organisation to be self-funding. In terms of time scale, there were a number of things which would need to be done in the Day Centre before it could be opened. However, things like the outdoor café (using a converted horsebox) could be implemented very quickly as could the financial advice/debt management service as the partner organisation was already well established.

Dist Cllr Caton asked whether consideration had yet been given to the allocation of time/groups/activities. Paul Chambers advised that this is a work in progress and no decisions had been made yet.

Market Research – Dist Cllr Dean enquired on behalf of a Day Centre volunteer what market research had been undertaken locally to determine which services were required by the community. Paul said obviously due to Data Protection constraints they had not been able to communicate directly with users of the Day Centre, but they were engaging with the wider community through their website and conversations with stakeholders including other existing village organisations. If any volunteers from the Day Centre wished to contact him through the website he would be delighted to hear from them.

Having been proposed by Cllr Caton and seconded by Cllr Richards it was:

RESOLVED to a) Support the touchpoint proposal to develop intergenerational community support from the Day Centre

  1. b) To work with Touchpoint to develop a business plan in collaboration with Uttlesford District Council
  2. c) To delegate to F&GP Committee to discuss terms of occupation

11 members voted in favour with one member abstaining



1          UTT/21/0726/HHF – 4 CLARKE CLOSE

 Single storey rear extension, garage conversion and creation of link between the two

No objection but note our concerns with the unsuitable parking provision which was originally approved

2          UTT/21/0918/HHF – ORCHARD HOUSE, 5 BREWERY LANE

Removal of 2 no. timber bay windows and construction of single storey front extension

No Comment

3          UTT/21/0183/LB – NORTH HOUSE, 66 CAMBRIDGE ROAD

Proposed replacement of French doors and side lights

No objection, assuming French doors and side lights in situ were previously approved

4          UTT/21/0905/FUL – LAND NORTH OF WATER LANE

Removal of condition 9 (Accessible and adaptable dwellings) attached to planning permission UTT/16/2865/OP


The applicant understood the requirement for compliance with part M4(2) in 2016, and the fact that the development has already lost a unit to accommodate the parking required, is not sufficient reason not to comply – indeed it demonstrates the      constraints of the site. Eight dwellings with sufficient parking, and mobility accessibility is preferred.

5 UTT/21/0880/HHF – 16 OLD BELL CLOSE

Demolish existing garden wall and rebuild the wall 2m in from the inner edge of the pavement

Object due to highways concerns , particularly with regard to existing permitted on street parking on a double bend.

6          UTT/21/0913/HHF – HAWTHORNS, GROVE HILL

Proposed amendments to previously approved application UTT/20/3011/HHF – widening of access

No objection, subject to PRoW 18 being unaffected


RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March 2021 as a true and accurate account


 Cllr Caton advised that UDC had decided to no longer offer a hot meal service meaning they would not require use of the Day Centre. Having been proposed by Cllr Caton and seconded by Cllr Richards it was:

RESOLVED to approve termination of the licence to UDC to occupy the Day Centre

This was unanimously agreed


Meeting closed at 9.31pm


537      Clerk to forward details of Community Safety Partnership

542      Cty Cllr Gooding to send report following the safety validation for bollards on Grove Hill



You are summoned to attend a virtual meeting of the COUNCIL which will be held on Wednesday 7th April 2021 at 7.30pm, using the Zoom platform.

1          To receive apologies for absence

Adjourn for public participation

2          To welcome Linzi Shelford – Neighbourhood Watch – Forest Hall Park

3          To receive declarations of interest

4          To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 24th February 2021

5          Matters arising and action points

6          Chairman’s Report

7          District Councillors’ Report (if available)

8          County Councillor’s Report (if available)

9          To welcome Paul Chambers representing Touchpoint

10        Finance – Payments for authorisation – To follow

11        Planning applications received for comment – attached

12        Open Spaces Committee – To approve minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March 2021

13        Day Centre – To approve termination of UDC licence to occupy the building

Ruth Clifford, Parish Clerk – 30th March 2021