
Minutes & Agenda – 28 April 2021

Full Council Uploaded on February 14, 2023


Minutes of a meeting of the Full Council held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 28th April 2021. This was a virtual meeting using the Zoom platform.

PRESENT   Cllr M Caton (Chairman), Cllrs A Barnes, D Brett, J Hogg, J Hudson, M Jessup,

J Kavanagh, A Khan, J O’Brien, F Richards, G Sell and D Wallace-Jarvis


Mrs Ruth Clifford – Clerk to the Council

Mrs Emma Philbrick – Trainee Deputy Clerk

Mrs Laila Azure-Marxen – Committee & Projects Officer

Mrs Dan Schlanker – Communications Officer

District Councillor Melvin Caton

County Councillor Ray Gooding

1 member of the press

4 members of the public



One member of the public spoke regarding the following three issues:

1          Prospective Parish, District and County Councillors and their lack of attendance at meetings  and the lack of commitment shown to the community before expecting parishioners to vote for them.

2          The ongoing traffic Issues on Grove Hill and requested that the Chairman formally write to ECC Highways asking them to implement at the developers cost, the changes to the traffic lights they proposed during the November 2020 appeal.

3          The continuing delays with installing the Lower Street crossing

One member of the public spoke regarding planning application UTT/21/0945/Ful – Mont Place, Brewery Lane. Their property is affected by this application and before the meeting a document from the resident was circulated to all members highlighting conditions he felt needed to be considered before allowing the application to be approved.


Cllr Wallace-Jarvis declared an interest on Planning Application 2 as she knows the resident whose property this affects.


RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 7th April 2021 as a true and accurate account.


 No matters arising and all action points have been completed.


The Chairman updated the meeting that just before the meeting started, confirmation was received that the appeal for virtual meetings to continue has been dismissed so as of 7th May 2021 all meetings must take place face to face with social distancing. The Clerk will now look into how possible this is going to be and also see what further advice comes out following this announcement. Everyone will be updated when possible.


District Cllr Sell reported the following:

The Full Council meeting scheduled for April was cancelled due to lack of business and    because of purdah.

As the appeal against meetings in person has been dismissed there will be a gradual move back to work. When Walpole Meadows was built there were units included which were originally going to be used for the start-up of new businesses. It has now been decided that these will be used as a hub for UDC employees. This will impact on residents as a higher volume of traffic. He is still not aware which departments they plan to base from this site.

District Cllrs Sell and Khan are members of the Governance Working Party and it had been decided that there would be no fundamental review of Uttlesford District Council. Instead, there will be regular meetings with Portfolio Holders.

District Cllr Khan reported the following:

Following the recent decision to review Day Centres, Uttlesford District Council have set up a working group. Cllr Khan is part of this working group.

Cllr Sell advised that he had recently had discussions with Cllr Richard Freeman regarding Day Centres and he is not happy how the whole situation has been handled.  He has made a commitment to Cllr Sell that not one size fits all regarding the four Day Centres and he   understands that Great Dunmow and Stansted Day centres are different from the other two. Cllr Sell is keen for the review to get underway as with lockdown slowly easing, they should be re-opening as soon as allowed.

District Cllr Caton reported the following:

With regards to planning, the Government has included Aviation Emissions into its Six    Carbon Budget and will become law in June 2021. This is one of the grounds that Uttlesford   Planning Committee refused the Airport expansion application. Discussions will now need to      take place on how this change in National Policy will affect the appeal.

561      COUNTY COUNCILLOR REPORT – See attached

Cty Cllr Gooding also reported concerns regarding Anglia Water and the provision of fresh water. Saffron Walden have been experiencing lower quality water and it was gradually moving South with water supplied being a lot harder. Discussions have been taking place with Anglia Water and they have issued an apology to Saffron Walden as they have had issues with their equipment not working properly. One of the issues is that with the recent dry weather they have been taking water from deeper underground with a higher limescale level.

Cllr O’Brien commented that with the Fairfield development being given the go ahead, the white lines and roundabout in Lower Street had been repainted but still nothing for the delayed zebra crossing. Why wasn’t this done at the same time? The Clerk replied that she had been in discussions regarding this and there is actually a legal issue with one party of the  contract but it was not appropriate to elaborate on this at a public meeting.

562      FINANCE

a          Payments for authorisation – Approved

b          Income & Expenditure – Up to 31st March 2021

The Clerk advised that this was the first draft but she wanted members to see what it was looking like. There is a large sum of S106 Croudace money still owed, and she had been assured by Uttlesford District Council that they have taken this up on our behalf as the solicitors have not had any luck with them.

She also reported that members were previously aware that the accounts for 2019/2020 had not been signed off by the External Auditors due to objections from a third party. She had tonight received confirmation that these would be signed off tomorrow and that none of the objections have been upheld. There was also no right for this decision to be appealed.

c          VAT Return – Up to 31st March 2021

The Clerk confirmed that this had been submitted and the money received.


1          UTT/21/1068/HHF – 5 QUEENS CLOSE

Single storey front extension

No Comment

2          UTT/21/0945/FUL – MONT PLACE, BREWERY LANE

 Replacement retaining walls to front of entrance gates

No objection but the Parish Council would ask for the following conditions:

No hedges, trees or TPO’s should be removed. Especially as the roots of these help to stabilise the land

Landslip needs to be taken into consideration so the wall needs to be installed accurately.

The design and build of the wall needs to be appropriate.

The Considerate Contractors Scheme must be adhered to in all aspects in order to minimise disturbance of any sort to neighbouring residents.


Erection of 1 no. dwelling

No Comment

4          UTT/21/1147/HHF – 15 MOUNT DRIVE

Proposed removal of existing out buildings and erection of single storey extension

No Comment


Change of use of land from agricultural to residential and erection of 2 no. semi-detached single storey dwellings.

The Parish Council objects to the change of use of this land to residential on the following grounds:

The impact and effect on local habitat such as the regularly seen nesting buzzards and red  kites at Alsa Woods and the Aubrey Buxton Nature Reserve. We consider the erection of two  more properties at this location to represent over development of the site and believe that   the access road (a popular walking route) is unsuitable in terms of surface, width and infrastructure. We note that the new dwellings are to be constructed on the current parking       area for the existing adjacent properties (2 and 2a). Furthermore, the refuse bins for the existing plots 2 and 2a sit out on the bridleway away from the site entrance, and with further development still to be finished, this would cause narrowing of the bridleway. Our biggest concern with this site is that it is unsuitable as a residential site which it appears to be becoming and for this reason and those outlined above we have asked Cllr Sell to call in this application.

6          UTT/21/1294/FUL – 1 EASTFIELD STABLES, MAY WALK

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling (amended scheme to that approved under planning permission UTT/20/3225/FUL)

The Parish Council objects on the following grounds:

The impact and effect on local habitat such as the regularly seen nesting buzzards and red kites at Alsa Woods and the Aubrey Buxton Nature Reserve. The existing building is a one-bed bungalow. We believe that this application if granted would set a precedent for two storey buildings, family homes on the site and be completely out of keeping with everything already permitted. We believe that the access is unsuitable in terms of surface, width and infrastructure. Our biggest concern with this site is that it is unsuitable as a residential site which it appears to be becoming and for this reason and those outlined above we have asked Cllr Sell to call in this application.


Proposed single storey rear extension with replacement roof above utility area

No Comment

8          UTT/21/1128/HHF – 47 BENTFIELD GREEN

 Installation of a dropped kerb

No Comment


RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 31st March 2021 as a true and accurate account


RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd April 2021 as a true and accurate account


Quotes received had been circulated to members before the meeting. Laila talked through  the quotes and explained that only one of the contractors had visited the site to be able to supply an accurate quote for the installation also. Most of the other quotes would then have the installation added once they were on site.  Cllr Barnes advised that he supported the quote from Chris Mortimer as it includes the installation, they were local and he had done previous work for the Council which everyone had been happy with. The zip-wire was part of  regenerative work and ideas planned for the area to give children improved play areas. This all generated from the request from a young resident who then attended a Full Council meeting to request more play equipment for older children.

Cllr O’Brien raised his concerns that this was the higher price quote and had the installation costs of the other companies been looked into? He also commented that match funding needs to be obtained. The Clerk assured members that they will look for grants when  the quote has been approved as this cannot be done before then.

Cllr Sell advised he supported the investment into Mountfitchet Green but had the demand for a zip-wire been researched? Cllr Barnes advised that they had not done a door to door consultation but when looking at other play areas on Foresthall Park and when talking to older children it came out on the top of their wish list.

Cllr Richards pointed out that another one of the quotes had included installation and it was more than the quote from Chris Mortimer. She also believes that this is the most popular piece of equipment for children of all ages.

Having been proposed by Cllr Barnes and seconded by Cllr O’Brien it was:

RESOLVED that Caloo equipment is sourced for installation at Mountfitchet Green.

This was unanimously agreed.


This document was circulated to all members before the meeting.

Laila talked through the presentation and gave her reasons for wanting to implement this, why the colours had been chosen, the reasoning for the fonts chosen and the changes to the logo especially for social media purposes.

Cllr Caton thanked Laila for the vast amount of work that had gone into this. She felt it looked professional and clean and ensured the Parish Council was moving into another era.

Cllr Kavanagh explained she thought it was a great idea and better than what the Parish Council currently had. She did feel thought that Calibri 11 was too small to read and not the best font to use. She asked if 3 mock documents could be produced with different fonts so that everyone could see how they looked and judge what looked better.

She was also hesitant about the blue and green colours used as these are also the colours used by Bishop’s Stortford and East Herts County Council.

Cllr Khan commented that the new way in which the Parish Council was presenting itself on social media was outstanding. Brand management is important and the professional approach now being taking was brilliant and congratulations to the team. He did not have an issue with the colouring chosen as there will always be overlapping with other branding.

Cllr O’Brien advised he thought it was a brilliant idea and it was pushing the Parish Council forward into the present day. He has concerns about the heavy block of colour on the top of the page but Laila has done a brilliant job.

It was agreed that mock documents would be distributed for comments and once the comments had been received the office would evaluate these and make the final decisions.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm



564      Laila to endeavour to find grant-funding for the zip-wire

565      Laila to produce 3 mock documents using different fonts for members to consider



You are summoned to attend a virtual meeting of the COUNCIL which will be held on Wednesday 28th April 2021 at 7.30pm, using the Zoom platform.

1          To receive apologies for absence

Adjourn for public participation

2          To receive declarations of interest

3          To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 7th April 2021

4          Matters arising and action points

5          Chairman’s Report

6          District Councillors’ Report (if available)

7          County Councillor’s Report (if available)

8          Finance:

  1. a) Payments for authorisation – To follow
  2. b) Income & Expenditure  – Up to 31st March 2021
  3. c) VAT Return – Up to 31st March 2021

9          Planning applications received for comment – attached

10        F&GP Committee – To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 31st March 2021

11        Personnel Sub-Committee – To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd April 2021 – to follow

12        To consider quotes for a zip-wire to be installed on Mountfitchet Green – see attached

13        To receive a presentation regarding Parish Council Branding – See attached

Ruth Clifford, Parish Clerk – 21 April 2021