SMPC Chair’s October Report – 2023

SMPC Chair’s October Report – 2023

Stansted appears to have avoided the bulk of development planned for Uttlesford as detailed in the draft Local Plan, reports Chair Maureen Caton.

Councillors have been made aware of the agenda item for the Local Plan Leadership group meeting happening on October 4. At it, the Draft Uttlesford Local Plan 2021-2041 (Reg 18) consultation document is to be discussed. Community consultation on the outcome – remembering the current draft  could be changed by officers/members tonight or at Cabinet – will be in November/December this year.

The report being presented acknowledges that in the absence of a Local Plan UDC have had much less control over planning for the district than is desirable and appropriate – where the presumption in favour of sustainable development would generally apply- i.e., approval of development proposals unless it is contrary to national policy.

Stansted Mountfitchet is the third largest settlement in the area and following on from a recent meeting with Planning Officers at the Uttlesford Liaison Forum focussing on the emerging plan – attended by the Clerk and myself – our worst fears have not been fulfilled. The planners have listened to our concerns and not included the site to the West of Pennington Lane.

The communities located along the A120 corridor are the worst hit with the proposal that Takeley will develop the most houses – 1,636 over the plan period to 2041

Saffron Walden               1,280

Great Dunmow                  869

Thaxted                               489

Newport                              412

Stansted                              390

Walpole Meadows Nth – 250

East of High Lane  – 140

It is also proposed that a 2-form entry primary school and a community facility forms part of the development.

Our Neighbourhood Plan – currently lodged with Uttlesford Planners who have read the draft, sets out our vision for development – We await a meeting with the UDC officers to finalise this submission  and “fit” with the principles and policies of this emerging Local Plan before onward submission to statutory consultees.

Boost for Youth Council

The Youth Council is certainly picking up new members now – we currently have 6 young people taking part and after some initial induction and training we hope to establish a fully functioning committee. We are also looking forward to our visit to the Palace of Westminster at the end of the month – when the Youth Council will meet up with the young people who are visiting  from our twin town of Rungis. Thank you to the new head teacher, Dustin Schuyler, for his support to promote this project and hosting the French students at Forest Hall School.

We are coming to the stage where we need to review our agreement with Essex Youth Services, who are currently co-ordinating our Youth Club provision. We will be seeking expressions of interest and new tenders to ensure we are promoting the best provision for our youth service delivery. Currently, we are still awaiting the agreed funding towards  this year’s delivery from UDC.