Have Your Say on County Bus Services

Have Your Say on County Bus Services

There’s still time to have your say on bus services subsidised by the county council. Your thoughts will help decide which routes continue, get altered or get axed.

Essex County Council are in the final month on their consultation into the provision of 162 local bus services. They want your views of these routes to help them decide which ones provide value for money for taxpayers and which ones should be altered to meet user needs, and which services need cutting.

The majority of the bus network in Essex (around 85%) is run commercially. The remaining 15% of services are not commercially viable and the transport providers will therefore not run them.

As Essex’s local transport authority, when no commercial service is provided, the County Council has a duty to consider whether one is needed, and if, in the Council’s view it is, then to provide it.

The County Council strongly encourage individuals to participate in the survey online by visiting our dedicated website at https://consultations.essex.gov.uk/iptu/2023

In instances where online submission is not feasible, ECC are pleased to offer hard copies of the consultation materials upon request. These can be obtained by contacting us via email at passenger.transport@essex.gov.uk or by calling either 0345 743 0430 or 0345 603 7631.


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