Make sure your car details are correctly registered to be included in Stansted’s new barrierless drop-off scheme.
Stansted Airport’s automatic plate recognition system starts today. There are two drop-off rates for local resident:
Residents living within 5 miles will be charged 50p for a drop-off lasting no more than 15 minutes.
Residents living within 10 miles of the airport will be charged £1 for up to 15 minutes.
Normal tariffs will apply thereafter – £25 for 15-30 minutes, with a £100 penatly fines issued if a payment isn’t received by midnight the day after a drop-off.
To apply for the discount scheme you need to complete a short form at the airport’s website:
4 thoughts on “Stansted Airport Drop-off Scheme”
Mariampillai Thevaratnam
I would like to pay the drop of charges on 23.01.23 for the vehicle
Reg .number GL 69 RRV
Council Administrator
As a parish council we have no responsibility for parking at the airport. Please head over to the Stansted Aiport website.*1y8ezwv*_gcl_au*MTUwNzMwMjUwLjE3MzIzOTE1OTk.*_ga*MTIyMjk5OTAyOC4xNzMyMzkxNTk5*_ga_9JGXYTE59J*MTczODA2Nzg0NS41LjAuMTczODA2Nzg0NS42MC4wLjA.
Mariampillai Thevaratnam
I would like to pay the drop of charges on 23.01.25 vehicle registration number
I can open a account to pay drop off charges in future
Council Administrator
You will need to contact to the Stansted Airport website:*1y8ezwv*_gcl_au*MTUwNzMwMjUwLjE3MzIzOTE1OTk.*_ga*MTIyMjk5OTAyOC4xNzMyMzkxNTk5*_ga_9JGXYTE59J*MTczODA2Nzg0NS41LjAuMTczODA2Nzg0NS42MC4wLjA.