Home-owners in Spencer Close have had to be evacuated due to structural damage to their properties, reports SMPC Chair Maureen Caton.
The underlying issue for the structural damage to 3 homes in Spencer Close is not yet determined – this is a multi-agency exercise with work ongoing to minimise the disruption to other neighbours in the Close. Three homes – ones facing Chapel Hill – have been evacuated. The incident is being co-ordinated by the UDC Incident Management Group and updates are available on the UDC website. Cllr Sell to give any further update known to the meeting.
The joint licence to occupy both the old Day Centre site and Crafton Green House has now been agreed between the SMPC and TouchPoint.
Should you have any issues you wish me to raise at our next joint meeting with District and County Councillors at the end of the month please let me have these as soon as possible.
Budget discussions
We are now in the throes of reviewing the budget projections for next year. If you have any suggested projects that need additional funding we need to be made aware of these now.
We have been informed by NALC that there is no mitigation for local Councils within the governments increased National Insurance Contribution Scheme – NALC will be continuing to lobby on this – but meanwhile we are calculating the impact on the budget.
The Youth Club is to receive some additional revenue funding from UDC for this year – which the provider is hoping to fund additional activity equipment/ a fence to prevent access into a neighbouring business and furniture to create a more homely feel for the centre. They are also hoping to create an area where they can record various inputs for the TouchPoint Community Radio Scheme.
Black Bridge
The Chair of Finance and myself are continuing to work and lobby on the issue of the Black Bridge. We feel parishioners are being put at risk and this will only increase if maintenance defects and lighting issues are not addressed urgently.
The flood store has been given planning permission for its current location with a three-year review to assess the impact of its use. This also gives us time to explore any other potential locations. It has been agreed that we should approach UDC to see how the debris dredged from the brook can be appropriately disposed of; and that the installation of a platform that would be a safety feature for flood wardens dredging the brook at the trash screen, should be discussed with EA and ECC as the Lead Flood Authority.
November Fireworks
This was a resounding success and everyone personally involved needs to be congratulated for their hard work and commitment – including sponsors/marshals. The comments on Stansted Matters alone are testimony to a fantastic event. We are unable to calculate any profit at the present as we need the Eventbrite account to be fully paid out and there are still some monies to come in from bank transfers on the night – but we estimate will have made a profit – with money to be set aside for future events and some local donations.
Remembrance Sunday
Again, there was a wonderful turn out for this act of Remembrance officiated by Rev’d Flack this year. The donation to the British legion this year was £540.68. Thank you to Carver Barracks and the police for their support with the road closure.
Finally, to ensure you are all aware the Office will be closed to the public for the Christmas break between 19th December 2024 and 6th January 2025