In her Chair report for June, Maureen Caton provides an update on talks with the developer Bloor Homes and SMPC’s decision not to support plans to build on land near Church Road.
Thank you to those Councillors who attended the D Day commemoration at St John’s Church. The dedication of the Rungis Veteran’s plaque was also a significant feature of the ceremony – following on from the main act of remembrance. Our Rungis counterparts are delighted the plaque will be on permanent display in the church.
Councillor to be sorely missed
Councillor Jamie Hogg has resigned from the council for personal reasons . He will be sorely missed – his common-sense approach and yet focus on detail has supported the council’s decision -making on many an occasion. Jamie, thank you for your time and the commitment you afforded to the benefit of our community.
Church Road & High Lane developments
Following our discussion in relation to development on Church Road – Elms Farm, I have communicated our decision to the Trustees of LEAP – The Legacy East Almshouse Partnership. Whilst they understood our position in relation to the increased housing numbers we would need to accommodate, and without any major infrastructure changes – it did mean that the land for the almshouse provision was also now not available – in what would have been a sustainable site. We all therefore need to continue to explore all possibilities to re -provide this resource in Stansted in a sustainable location.
Our Planning Working Group are looking to arrange a meeting with the developers (Bloor) – in connection with proposed developments on the land north of Walpole Meadows and High Lane – we need to ensure that the community benefits from this development reflect the impact these c.390 houses will have on our already limited infrastructure.
Village roadworks
At our recent three-way meeting between County/District and Parish Councillors – I can confirm that the issues with the drain at the bottom of Grove Hill will be actioned on June 13th; and it would appear that action taken on the leak further up the hill has also ceased the ongoing flow of water down the hill. Cllr Gooding has confirmed that ECC will carry out repairs to the highway as soon as possible after this work is completed.
Feasibiility Scheme re HGVs – we are awaiting an update from Cllr Gooding on this.
In relation to the area outside the King’s Arms which floods and causes pedestrians to walk into the road – Cllr Gooding is awaiting a feasibility study to be finalised along with potential highlighted solutions for this main arterial drain and the complexity of issues in relation to its location.
The drains on Church Road are to be jetted and a surface water alleviation review is to be undertaken – however, we do not have a time frame for this work.
Cllr Gooding has also agreed to communicate the dates the Highways “repair teams” will be in his wards and which repairs will be on the list for action.
Sight line issues are currently being addressed in relation to the Forest Hall Road pedestrian crossing; the two crossings on Walson Way are going through feasibility, with the Silver Street crossing planned for this financial year.
Manor Road flats
Parish/ District and County Councillors discussed the issues affecting some of the Manor Road flats – whilst many of these are lease-hold there appear to be issues with the fabric of the building which remains as the responsibility of UDC. As Chair of the Parish Council, I proposed that we should jointly communicate with UDC and request urgent action on these issues which are affecting our
Just in case any of you were not aware – we are now in the throes of election fervour! We are in what is now called the Pre-Election Period (formerly Purdah) so must be mindful that the Parish Council and Councillors are not seen to promote any particular party or individual, verbally or in writing, if acting in your role as a parish councillor.
Read the full statement on Stansted Mountfitchet Parish Council’s position on the proposed development Church Road at Future Residential Development in Stansted