Parish Council Chair Report – January 2025

Parish Council Chair Report – January 2025

The Parish Council Chair in her January report raises questions on how government plans for local authorities could impact Stansted.

It appears the government intends to impose devolution if areas do not come up with their own proposals  – and as a government with a large majority – it is in a position to do what it wants.  The law is expected to change this year with the White Paper proposing structures such as Foundation Strategic Authorities, Mayoral Strategic Authorities or Established Mayoral Strategic Authorities asap. Also, where a Mayor and Police Commissioner exist it is proposed the mayor takes over  PCC powers but has a deputy for policing – this would be the situation in Essex. I wonder how much all this change would cost?

The board for each Strategic Authority would be made up of leaders of the County Council, Unitary Authorities and a Mayor or District Council may be invited to send 2/3 non – voting observers – this may encourage District Councils to become Unitary Authorities. It would appear Essex would likely support  5 larger Councils—generally with a population of approximately 350K, or in the NE 500K. The current suggestion is that we align with Harlow and Epping Forest. UDC debated this issue on 9/1/25 – interestingly with no public attending – highlighting lack of consultation and communication on this major issue. There was no clear outcome from the lack lustre debate but the statement that there was an appetite for LG reform in Essex – and maybe Uttlesford!

We will need to seriously consider if there are any services we may wish to operate if LGR comes to pass and what access to funding would be available to support viability for change.

Housing target raised

To add insult to injury the Government have also increased the housing supply figure expected for Uttlesford from 674 to 804 an increase of 19% year for the life of the Local Plan – a total in excess of 16,000 homes.

We have submitted our application for UDC grant funding  to support our expenditure on the provision of the Youth Club Service for the next 3 years.. We have asked to be informed of a date when the decision will be finalised.

Cllr Gooding has today responded to my email outlining the Council’s frustration and need for answers. I have agreed to meet with him and discuss the resolution to our communication issues.

The Chair of Birchanger PC and myself listened to information shared by The Essex Chambers Team on the new NPPF. The fundamental aim of the Green Belt policy was to “prevent urban sprawl by keeping land open”.  Also,  It does still remain that there is a need to demonstrate a full examination of all the other reasonable options for meeting identified need for development before concluding exceptional circumstances exist for green/grey belt development.  Having discussed the potential to meet with our joint planning groups the Chair of Birchanger PC and I feel we should wait until we have further information from City and Country Council to enable us to discuss strategies to respond to any future plans presented to develop the land in our Parishes; also, we do not intend to complete a wish list for development as this can be portrayed as willingness to co-operate for development. We shall invite our joint Planning groups to any future proposed  meetings.

Bloor Homes have also arranged to meet with our Planning Working Group to update on their proposals for their sites. We will feedback to you all following the meeting on January 29th.

Community policing, Black Bridge

I am still awaiting a meeting with UDC and the police in relation to the time available to our PCSO for Parish duties – our Clerk continues to chase this.

Cllr O’Brien has contacted Network Rail and has completed an Asset Protection Initial Enquiry Questionnaire in relation to the poor state of the Black Bridge. We await Network Rail’s response.

EALC have asked us to consider joining in the celebrations for VE Day on May 8th this year by promoting and supporting Street and Home Garden parties/ Community Events. The lighting of Beacons is also being promoted – and we do have one already! This is on our agenda for discussion tonight.

Given that we fought hard for the licence to dispense for our remaining pharmacy I do hope you will all support their involvement in the Save our Pharmacies Campaign -highlighting the pressures that pharmacies are under and their untapped potential to support the heath service if appropriate funding and resourcing was made available. The NHS is failing to cover the rising costs of drugs – and pharmacies are covering this cost to their own detriment Pharmacists  are encouraging scanning and signing the petition – there is a poster on their door to scan – using social media / contacting our MP and supporting them – acknowledging that the current funding model is broken.

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