It is time to consider creating a working group to help run Elms Farm and to think about where money needs to be spent in 2025/26, says Open Spaces Chair Jo Kavanagh
Elms Farm
Open Space: We have asked for an on site meeting to discuss the public open space, but no date has been set yet.
Allotments: Cllr Barnes, the clerk and I met with members of the EFAA committee to discuss various matters.
We will be reviewing the legal documentation, and have agreed some actions regarding boundary maintenance, the community shed and clearance of vacant sites.
We also discussed the setting up of an allotment working group, who would be the liaison between the EFAA and the Open Spaces committee – as an interim measure initially to deal with issues around the plot inspections or other matters raised by the allotment holders. They will report to the OS committee where appropriate. Recruitment of a permanent allotment manager is under discussion as to the necessity and appropriate job description.
Walpole Meadows: The Clerk will be signing the Transfer of Land Ownership documents on Friday in respect of the allotments. We have sought clarification of the extent of the areas of public open space which are to be handed over to the Parish Council as this is needed in order to obtain quotes for maintenance for next year’s budget.
Budget 2025/26: Suggestions received so far:
Additional sockets on the Rec to enable goals to be switched by 90° when the goal mouths are worn.
An allowance for additional wildflower planting
£2,000 to install water troughs at the Walpole Meadows allotments as with only 13 plots it will take time to build a reserve fund from tenancy fees. End of report.