Open Spaces Chair Report – January 2025

Open Spaces Chair Report – January 2025

Leases are being prepared for Walpole Meadows allotments reports Jo Kavanagh, open spaces chair

Since the last meeting in October, the allotments at Walpole Meadows have been handed to the parish council. The allotment working group is currently working on the leases.

At Elms Farm, the allotments association has also proposed taking on responsibility for grass cutting, the allotment working group is also meeting to discuss this proposal. The open space has not progressed, despite it being cut during the autumn no other work has been done to prepare or maintain the area.

Back at Walpole Meadows, there was a meeting on site on 14th January,  with the UDC S106 Officer, representatives of Bloor Homes and Martin Grant Homes,  the present Grounds Maintenance Contractor, the Clerk, Deputy Clerk and myself. As detailed in the clerk’s report for this evening, a number of issues were raised. On the agenda this evening, is a discussion on the public open spaces at Walpole Meadows to be taken on by the parish council.   Following our meeting, I have raised the matter of signage for footpaths and cycle routes. Signage was a discharged condition, which has not been actioned. Clarity is being sought on this.

I was disappointed to note the flytipping that took place over the Christmas period: two separate incidents on Lime Kiln Lane (including rubbish in East Herts DC black bags) and one on Mill Hill – a fallen tree from a property which has been left on parish council land.

Finally, I would remind dog walkers to use the bins provided in the parish – Any Bin Will Do – and for those visiting Aubrey Buxton Reserve, we do now have a recently installed bin for your use in the car park. Aubrey Buxton is a nature reserve, please dispose of your litter responsibly.

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