SMPC Chair’s May Report – 2023

SMPC Chair’s May Report – 2023

At the start of a new term of office as Chair of Stansted Mountfitchet Parish Council, I welcome to the Parish Council – Allan Love; and to the newly elected District Councillors for the South Ray Gooding and Nick Church.

Coronation Event Success

Thank you must go to all the councillors and staff who assisted with our very successful Coronation Event. Vini Watson was again a tower of strength and help throughout the planning to the setting up; Mark Presland for his help on the day and Tim Atkinson for the performers; with Lee Dorrington and Luke Thomas managing the sound.

This was a fantastic event showing our support for the community and their support for us as an organisation. We should not forget all the office support – Ruth and Emma in the planning, Dan publicity and photos on the day and Emma for spending all day assisting /supporting and co-ordinating with me.

I’m very grateful to Lucy and Levi for helping with the practical set-up/take down, fetching and carrying and litter picking. Again- thank you to the following councillors who helped on the day: Cllrs Barnes, Guney, Hogg, Jones, Kavanagh, O’Brien, and former Councillors Hudson, Jessup and Richards.

We should also note that the Coronation Shelter on Chapel Hill has been refurbished and was completed in time for the celebrations.


Rec Sink Holes

The appearance of sink holes on the Recreation ground and Bowls Club are still being investigated as to the cause and remedy. We will keep everyone up to date on this issue as information becomes available.


Special Constables

We are soon to start a publicity campaign to lay the groundwork for recruiting a Special Constable for Stansted Mountfitchet.

As part of this the Clerk and myself attended a briefing to assist with the marketing and recruitment of Special Constables. Our previous good fortune of having one apply to us was not the norm- and you should be aware this will be a lengthy process.


Boost for Businesses to be Discussed

I have had discussions with the Business Forum focussing on support and development of the local economy – both for retail and service provision – those visible on the street and those working from home. UDC have also indicated their support. An initial planning meeting to take this work forward will take place on June 2nd.


Campaigning for a Second Pharmacy

Work is ongoing by this Council for the provision of a second licensed dispensing pharmacy. Contact with our MP Kemi Badenoch and the Integrated Care Board for Herts and west Essex is ongoing.

I have written to the Chair of the Board for clarity on how to achieve a solution to this issue. We have also been made aware of a further application that is being considered at appeal for this provision.

I also reiterate that the Parish Council does not support any one particular provider- our objective is the provision of a second pharmacy in the South.


Broadband Rollout

The Parish Council has been made aware of the Gigaclear cabinet located at Five Acres and are working to have the location changed as this was not agreed by the Parish Council.


Call for Youth Service Improvements

We are monitoring our Youth Club service provision closely and have made ECC aware that we wish to see improvements in their marketing and communications to engage our young people to use the centre and its facilities.


And Finally

Finally, given the recent announcement of additional funding by the Conservative controlled Essex Highways for the repair of potholes across Essex – we need our County and District Councillor, Ray Gooding, to ensure roads such as Church Road and the Bury Lodge Lane junction are prioritised in addition to the many others in Stansted.

The deteriorating state of the roads in Stansted reflects the neglect and underinvestment in our community infrastructure by Essex Highways.

I call on Councillor Gooding to inform the Parish Council what Essex Highways plan to do to ensure Stansted gets its fair share of this funding.

By Maureen Caton, chair of Stansted Mountfichet Parish Council.

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