SMPC Chair’s July Report – 2023

SMPC Chair’s July Report – 2023

Chair Maureen Caton reports of success at finding new youth councillors, Bloor Homes plans for further development at Walpole Meadows, and the council’s request Gigaclear resite a cabinet at Five Acres.

New Members for Youth Council

I am very pleased to share that our partnership with Forest Hall School is paying dividends – we have 3 new young people joining our Youth Council and will reconvene this in September. Meanwhile we are exploring ways in which we can support teachers and the young people undertaking the Citizenship course at the school.

Following the receipt of an outline data/ activity report from the Youth Service we are awaiting confirmation of a meeting with service managers to explore, in particular, the issues of communication with, and take up from, the young people.

Gigaclear asked to move Five Acres cabinet

The Clerk has contacted Gigaclear following the F&GP last week which resolved to request the service provider to move the cabinet to a more appropriate location and to compensate the Parish for siting it on Parish Council land – we await a response.

Re-opening of the Rec

The radar survey on the recreation ground has now been undertaken and the map of the findings received. We are keen to make a decision on the timing of re-opening the Recreation Ground to the public, so members will be asked to consider this as an emergency item at the end of tonight’s agenda.  The discussion will take place in Part 2, with a decision in public thereafter.  The decision will appear on the next Full Council agenda to be ratified.

Walpole Meadows Phase 2

The Planning Working Group met with representatives of Bloor Homes to receive an update on their plans to develop Walpole Meadows phase 2. The group made it very clear the meeting was not to support this development, but to understand if development was agreed how this would impact the community. It was made very clear that we would expect to be consulted on landscaping and the play areas in particular if the development was to proceed. We also made very clear that there are a number of community benefits we would want to discuss – which would include funding towards a community hall facility, the partial closure of Pennington Lane, footpaths and lighting up to Five Acres, and a contribution towards burial land – amongst others.

Action plan & councillor training

I have arranged a meeting with the Chairs of our committees to review last year’s action/development plan and to plan to progress any further projects we will need to address/undertake over the next few years. This will come back to members for discussion when completed.

The Clerk and I are reviewing a number of online safeguarding courses to enable councillors to undertake this training at a time suitable to them, along with costs. We hope to have arranged this for after the holiday period.

TouchPoint & Crafton Green House

The Parish Council has also awarded the licence to occupy Crafton Green House to Touchpoint – this confirmation will enable them to apply for a number of grants – one of which from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund is awaiting approval from UDC for around £35,000.

Pothole Update requested

I still await Cllr Gooding’s responses to my previous questions in relation to the funding allocated to pot hole repairs in Stansted, clarity on the reduced funding allocated to the Essex Youth Strategy and the impact of this on UDC funding for youth provision; and his response in relation to a parishioner’s comments on the safety of the pedestrian crossing at the top of Chapel Hill. The delay in responding to these queries is not acceptable.

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