Minutes of a meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 21st July 2021 in The Mountfitchet Exchange, Crafton Green, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted, Essex
PRESENT Cllr M Caton (Chairman), Cllrs A Barnes, P Davies, A Guney, J Hogg, J Hudson,
M Jessup, J Kavanagh, A Khan, J O’Brien, F Richards, G Sell, T Smith and D Wallace-Jarvis
Mrs R Clifford – Clerk
District Cllr Melvin Caton
County Cllr Ray Gooding
1 member of the press
4 members of the public
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Brett who was still at work.
Having been proposed by Cllr Jessup and seconded by Cllr Wallace-Jarvis it was:
RESOLVED to accept Cllr Brett’s apologies.
This was unanimously agreed.
The meeting was adjourned.
One member of the public spoke to update on the TouchPoint project – they had received some funding from UDC and would be commencing their café operating from the Day Centre on Thursdays from 11am-5pm. A test event is due to take place the following day. At the end of the Public Participation session, members asked some questions which were answered.
One resident thanked the Rule 6 Party for their involvement in the Planning Appeal relating to land west of Pennington Lane. He then stated that our PCSO had assisted with the potential prosecution of a car jumping a red light on Grove Hill.
A resident of Grove Hill asked for an update on the various outstanding issues relating to that road.
A member of the public referred to the lack of watering of the SIB planters around the village. The Clerk stated that she would investigate this issue.
Public Participation Ends
RESOLVED To accept the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 30th June 2021 as a true and accurate account.
Cllr Davies commented that his query relating to grasscutting at the cemetery had not been minuted.
No report.
The Chairman read her report to the meeting. In addition, Cllr Caton reported that earlier in the day the Call for Sites results had been published by Uttlesford District Council. 299 sites have been proposed across the District. She invited Dist Cllr Caton to add further details which he did. The full results are available on the Local Plan website. The Chairman stated that the Parish Council will consider the sites within the parish boundary but will also look at neighbouring parishes where further development may have a detrimental impact upon Stansted. The Clerk added that the NDP group would meet in the near future to start its considerations.
Cllr Sell’s report had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting. In addition:
Cllr Khan reported that he had asked questions relating to the Day Centre at a meeting the previous evening but had not been impressed by the responses he had received. He had asked an Emergency Question which the Clerk would circulate to all parish councillors. He would chase for a response but in his opinion the District Council is weak, dysfunctional and operating in a vacuum.
Cllr Sell stated that we would need to look carefully at the results of the Call for Sites. He reported that he had arranged a meeting for the following day with Gordon Glenday to talk about the S.106’s relating to Elms Farm and Walpole Meadows.
Cllr Gooding stated that he is experiencing a similar situation with UDC in regard to the Local Highways Panel where it seems that £200,000 which was to be added to the Essex contribution for the Panel’s expenditure has not materialised. The terms and conditions relating to the funds are unacceptable – there is poor administration at UDC and Cllr Gooding had heard of an application for £200,000 to build cycleways in Saffron Walden.
He then referred back to the questions raised by the member of the public relating to Grove Hill and updated with the situation regarding the introduction of the new technology – a report should be available by the end of the week. There appeared to be good news coming through in this regard and it may be that the HGV monitoring can be in both directions. He will speak to the resident concerned tomorrow to make arrangements for the site visit they had agreed relating to the bollards.
Referring to the issue of the maintenance work required at the High Lane/B1383 junction, Cllr Gooding reported that he now has a new grant fund available and would be prepared to make a contribution towards clearance works there. Dist Cllr Sell agreed that he would also be happy to contribute.
In closing, Cllr Gooding reminded everyone to continue their vigilance relating to Covid-19. At 12 July 2021 there have been 4,233 deaths in Essex hospitals of which 2,643 were Essex residents and 542 have died within the Princess Alexandra Trust.
The list of payments was circulated to members ahead of the meeting
RESOLVED to approve the list of payments for 21st July 2021
1 UTT/21/2093/HHF – 15 PARK ROAD
Erection of two storey side extension
No objection.
2 UTT/21/2061/FUL – 6 MILLFIELDS
Removal of condition 2 (Accessible and adaptable dwellings) attached to UTT/18/2900/FUL
No objection but raised the question as to what is the point of Planning Conditions if they are not possible to achieve. Surely Building Control officers should be consulted prior to conditions being set?
Subdivision of a single dwelling into 2 no. dwellings with associated gardens and parking
No objection.
Single storey rear extension
No objection.
Erection of 1 no. dwelling and cartlodge (on site of previously approved outbuilding under UTT/20/3420/CLP)
Object on grounds of over-development of the site.
Proposed two-bay garage and associated workshop
No objection.
7 UTT/21/2264/HHF – 66 MANOR ROAD
Proposed two storey extension with a high level roof light and new obscure windows
No objection.
Internal alterations with minor roof alterations to existing single-storey rear extension
The Clerk read out a letter from a neighbour which objected to the loss of the railings at the front of the property – these were protected by Article 4 Directions. Members were mixed in their views, but when put to the vote with 9 in favour and 5 abstentions, it was agreed to object to the loss of railings but not to the internal alterations.
RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2021.
Cllr Sell asked whether there was any scope to bring forward the date of the next meeting from October? The Clerk said she would look at the meeting calendar and see what they could do.
129 F&GP COMMITTEE – 2 JUNE 2021
RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2021.
The draft document had been circulated with the agenda. The Clerk explained that the full detailed risk assessment documents are held within the office – this is the policy document. The software used for the details RA’s is written specifically for Town and Parish Councils. However, since the last update, this will no longer work on the office PC’s and a new software package is being researched. As agreed in March, the full documents will be circulated to all members prior to adoption in 2022.
Cllr O’Brien suggested a couple of amendments which were agreed and Cllr Davies made some suggestions on recording the version history. There being no further queries, it was unanimously
RESOLVED to adopt the Risk Management Policy
The draft document had been circulated with the agenda. With no amendments suggested, it was unanimously
RESOLVED to adopt the Complaints Policy and Guidance
The draft policy had been circulated with the agenda, followed by a further paragraph which the Clerk had suggested for inclusion. Cllr Davies commented that he “had been pulled up by the Chair” for posting an item on social media without checking with the office in advance. The Chairman explained the reason and context for raising this particular issue. It was agreed that the policy needed further consideration and amendment and would be brought back to Council when that had been done. At Cllr Sell’s request, the Clerk confirmed that she would ask the Communications Officer to attend the meeting when it is discussed.
The Clerk explained that applications for CIF grants now require evidence that the Council has authorised the application to be submitted. This particular grant would be for the play equipment projects. Having been proposed by Cllr Richards and seconded by Cllr Khan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED to authorise an application to be submitted for a CIF grant.
Meeting closed at 9.36pm
You are summoned to attend a meeting of the FULL COUNCIL which will be held on Wednesday 21st July 2021 at 7.30pm in The Mountfitchet Exchange, Crafton Green, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted, Essex:
1 To approve apologies for absence
Adjourn for public participation
2 To receive declarations of interest
3 To receive the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 30th June 2021
4 To receive an update on progress since the last meeting
5 To receive the Chairman’s Report
6 To receive a District Councillors’ Report – to be received in the office by 19 July for circulation
7 To receive the County Councillor’s Report – to be received in the office by 19 July for circulation
8 Finance – To approve the list of payments – Attached
9 To consider the list of Planning applications received– Attached
10 Highways Sub-Committee – To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd June 2021 – Circulated
11 F&GP Committee – To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd June 2021 – Circulated
12 To consider adopting the following policies
- a) Risk Management Policy – To follow
- b) Complaints Policy & Guidance – Attached
13 To review and re-adopt the General Communications and Social Media Policy – Attached
14 To authorise a funding application to the Essex County Council CIF for play equipment projects at Foresthall Park and Mountfitchet Green
Ruth Clifford – Parish Clerk, 15th July 2021
Chair Report
UDC failed to respond to the request I made on behalf of the Parish Council for financial support to improve facilities in the Day Centre. This was seeking financial support from the unused budget for Day Centre services, and to help promote the re-opening of our resource to all sectors of our community e.g., provision of disabled toilet facilities/baby changing facilities and a walkway through from the library into the Day Centre. We sought £40,000 as a one off capital contribution to the overall cost. My communication was not even acknowledged – even though this bid was encouraged by UDC officers – who acclaimed our regeneration proposals as ground breaking and an exemplar for other areas of Uttlesford. The Day Centre budget being circa £95k
I now learn that officers have used some of this money that was set aside to create this new service provision – to pay utility costs and redundancy costs at some of the centres – leaving approximately £62K of the budget to set up new services across the district. This is outrageous. The credibility of the working group under Cllr. Richard Freeman and the officers of UDC appears dysfunctional and frankly lacks respect for those who have been working hard to promote the new way of working they proposed along with their reasoning for ceasing the lunch service provision. Especially, as it was resolved that “Cabinet confirms that no financial savings will be made from this process and all allocated day Centre Service budget will be retained for thee new service options both in 2021 /22 and ongoing” This was carried unanimously.
I have written to the interim CEO to express my dissatisfaction and incredulity at this action which does not serve or acknowledge the needs of the parishioners of Stansted yet again.
It should also be noted that UDC has a budget earmarked for the costs of New Ways of Working that stands at £794K – this budget could fund the expenditure of redundancy etc.
However, we do get tremendous support from the officers in the Business Support Team, and I am pleased to report that our bid for monies to support designated street furniture etc. as part of grants available to as part of the Welcome Back Fund to enhance our shopping and leisure areas/streets. In total we have been awarded £23k for benches /picnic tables and planters. Locations will be Lower Street, Windmill Fields, Crafton Green and Elms Farm POS.
The Working Group have met to review the first draft Service Level Agreement between ourselves TouchPoint and Enterprise East – we are seeking some amendments and as soon as we have a draft that the working group and the Council are able to approve we will ensure our solicitors are also in support.
I have written to Cllr. Scott – the new County Council lead for Highways to request the reimbursement of expenditure to clear some of the drains on Chapel Hill, High Lane and Lower Street – amounting to a reimbursement of £1,284.00. The letter points out the lack of action to clear the drains and carry out timely remedial work which add to the risk of flooding. A request for ECC to clear all the gullies/drains on Chapel Hill ,Grove Hill and Lower Street as an urgent action has been made – as our action reduces the risk where access a possible. Road closures will be needed to access for a full impact. Issues on Church Road and resident’s specific issues – such as Mr Bore’s in Coltsfield- where his issues have mysteriously been erased from the published schedule of works.
In relation to Grove Hill- we await a response from our County Councillor in respect of arrangements for a site meeting with Cllr. Scott and ECC officers. Similarly Cllr Gooding and Mr McDonnel do not appear to have met to mark out the area where bollards are perceived as required by residents to assist our meeting and an appeal that they have requested the Parish Council to support.
The Elsenham Planning Appeal relating to Bedwell Road starts on 14 September and is scheduled to run for 8 days. I have delegated the responsibility to speak to our District Councillor Geoffrey Sell , who is also our Parish Councillor who speaks on most , if not all of the applications in relation to The impact of the lack of a Local Plan , and the specific impact on Grove Hill/ Lower Street and Chapel Hill will of course be our objective.
Bloor The Appeal against refusal of permission to develop land west of Pennington Lane concluded yesterday. The Rule 6 team did a wonderful job with many, many days of planning, writing and presenting our case – we owe them a huge vote of thanks and keep everything crossed for the Inspector’s decision in September
District Councillors’ Report
Stansted Airport Planning Application
Members will be aware of the Planning Inspectorate’s decision to allow MAG’s appeal for the grant of planning permission for the Stansted Airport extension and the award of costs against the Council. The council now has the right to seek a review of the Panel’s decision by the High Court under S288 TCPA 1990 as amended. This is a two-stage process and Counsel has advised that the Council should initiate such a review, but consider its position once again in the light of the outcome of the preliminary application. This step must be taken by July 8th but we would not anticipate any result until well into September at the earliest.
Youth Initiatives Working Group
The YIWG started their financial year with the renewal of match funding relationships with: Saffron Walden £10,000 Stansted Mountfitchet £7,500 Great Dunmow £5,000 . Moving forward the group, which consists of stakeholders within Uttlesford who have an interest in supporting the young people of this district, are looking to restructure with plans to create smaller working groups. In so doing it is hoped they will be able to respond more effectively and rapidly to changing circumstances. The group is Chaired by Richard Porch who is a Saffron Walden Town Councillor and currently the Mayor. There are representatives from Saffron Walden and Great Dunmow Town Councils, Stansted Parish Council, Takeley Youth Club, Essex County Council Youth Services, Essex Boys & Girls Clubs, the District Scouts, Essex Police and me as the UDC Cabinet Member with responsibility for Youth. It is administered through the Community section of UDC. Summer Event
Walden Castle
This was re-opened to the public on June 18th and thanks to joint funding from UDC and Historic England they are now planning to promote the Castle site for public and private event
Questions to members of the Executive by Stansted members
Council Homes
By Councillor Khan of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing and Health
As we emerge from the pandemic, three issues that will impact on the Uttlesford public are debt, employment, and housing. The 1963 Local Authorities Land Act gave councils the power to develop land; the 2000 Local Government Act gave councils the power to do anything that promotes the “wellbeing” of their communities; and the 2011 Localism Act, which bestowed the “general power of competence. One of the ways to put these powers into action is for Uttlesford to build council homes that offer secure tenancies thus helping develop better well-being for individuals and families.
Can the Cabinet member for Housing and Health inform the Council of the R4U pledge to build 163 new council homes:
- How many have been built since May 2019?
- How many are 1,2, 3 or 4 bedrooms?
- Are these homes built in a sustainable way and what reduction in carbon emissions has been achieved?