
Highways Minutes & Agenda – 4th March 2020

Highways Uploaded on May 3, 2023


Minutes of a meeting of the HIGHWAYS SUB-COMMITTEE held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 4th March 2020 in The Mountfitchet Exchange, Crafton Green, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex

PRESENT Cllr M Jessup (Vice-Chair in the Chair), Cllrs M Caton, J Harding, J O’Brien, F Richards and D Wallace-Jarvis. Peter Jones and Ray Woodcock


Mrs Ruth Clifford – Clerk to the Council

Mrs Emma Philbrick – Admin Assistant

Cllrs A Barnes and J Kavanagh

1 member of the press

3 members of the public

297                  APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE

                        Apologies for absence were received from Cllr G Sell

298                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST

                        Cllr Harding declared an interest in item 12 – Bentley Drive as he lives nearby


RESOLVED        to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd October 2019 as a true and accurate account

300                  MATTERS ARISING

127- Burton End – Ray Woodcock asked what work had been done? The Clerk confirmed that the PCSO Nikki Morris had been carrying out visits to the area to monitor the parking.

130 – The Clerk confirmed she was still awaiting on Annette Thornton to set a meeting date and would chase her.

131 – Ray Woodcock advised that at the meeting on 7th Feb it was confirmed that new signage would be erected but he couldn’t remember if it was in this financial year or next.

Action Point 5 – meeting still needs to take place – the Clerk will chase Cty Cllr Gooding.

Action Point 6 – it was confirmed that the Parish Council had emailed Gorsefield but did not get a response – Ray Woodcock asked if he could be given their contact details.

301                  CHAIRMAN’S REPORT

No Chairman’s report but the Clerk informed the meeting that an email had been circulated and put on the website about a road closure due to take place in June.    


The Clerk advised that the S106 money that the Sub-Committee had originally agreed to use for the railings was money earmarked for work on Brook Road / Millside down to the junction with the B1383 for maintenance of road and potholes and wanted a decision on whether it was ok to use this money for parking. The Clerk confirmed there was £6500 left of the £10,000. The sub-committee had agreed that putting in the fencing should improve traffic flow. Peter Jones confirmed that he would be happy for the money to be used as it would hopefully improve the highways situation and still leave £3000 in the fund which would be enough for any repairs that might need to take place. Ray Woodcock asked if the wood being used would be treated. The Clerk confirmed she would check with the company.

Having been proposed by Cllr Richards and seconded by Cllr Caton it was

RESOLVED        to go ahead with the railings using the S106 funds as long as it was treated wood being used. If the quote is any higher for treated wood then the Clerk can consult with the Chair of Finance to make the final decision.

This was unanimously agreed

303                  UPDATE ON SECTION 106 PROJECTS

Awaiting an update on the spec for Cambridge Road and to find out what is happening with the chicanes on Church Road but so far there has been no information from Annette Thornton. The Clerk has also emailed County Councillor Ray Gooding regarding this but no response either. Cllr Caton asked the Clerk to write to Cllr Gooding and copy in Cabinet members of Highways to express the disappointment of the group on the lack of communication.

(Cllr O’Brien joined the meeting)

Peter Jones also asked if the width of the footpaths along Church Road could be discussed as the Parish Council should be pressing for the full width to be reinstated. He also asked if Annette Thornton could confirm when the S.106 money would have to be returned to the developers if not used as it is unacceptable to have to return the money when the Parish Council have been chasing for these projects. Cllr Caton commented that the lack of response was unacceptable and the Council was not prepared to lose the money.


5 schemes have been submitted.

Cllr O’Brien advised that he had received an update regarding signage and had been told by Rissa Long that the new signs for traffic coming into Stansted would be coming into force at the end of March.

The schemes needed to be submitted via County Councillor Ray Gooding on our behalf so the Clerk has chased him to see when he submitted them. She had also emailed Cllr Sell as a fellow member of the Highways Panel but has not received a response from either. Noted that the additional waiting restriction in Lower Street, by the culvert, is top of the priority list.  It was agreed that the Clerk would write to them again and express our disappointment and that we cannot keep reporting that there are no updates. The Clerk would copy everyone in and give a date we need a response by.


Ray Woodcock advised that little is happening. During the meeting Essex Highways had mooted the idea of maybe creating a layby built on the side of the road of the terraced houses and widen the road width to improve the traffic flows. This would involve purchasing part of the front gardens of the houses.  Ray has spoken to 9 out

of the 12 residents and spent a lot of time talking to them about it. All but one of the residents are completely against this idea. Cllr Richards supported adding another set of traffic-lights by Gorsefield as, if phased correctly, this could improve the flow.  Bollards on the opposite site of the road to the houses had also been suggested to prevent vehicles mounting the pavement but Essex County Council said they would not conform.  Peter Jones believes there should be bollards and traffic should be kept on the road and not footpaths. He also asked if at the meeting there was a proposal for compulsory purchase of land further up to provide residents’ parking? Ray Woodcock confirmed this was not discussed.

After further discussions around alternative options, it was suggested that the Clerk progresses the following options with Essex Highways:

  • Purchasing land further uphill to create off-street parking
  • Bollards
  • Second set of traffic lights
  • Weight and width restrictions in both directions

The Clerk asked how the meeting was left with the County. Ray Woodcock advised he made it clear to them that he was going to talk to residents and Essex County Council thought it was a good idea to meet with residents although they did not state when they would do this. Ray will submit his report regarding residents’ comments to the Clerk and she will go back to David Sprunt with this.


Cllr Wallace-Jarvis advised that the road is now busier than ever due to the development at Bishop’s Stortford North but there was no clear footway or kerbs so people can walk safely. The farmer has cleared the verge and cut back dead trees but they would like the Parish Council to request that Essex County Council include this in their cutting schedule. It was pointed out that Highways were unlikely to undertake any maintenance here unless it is their land. They do not carry out any work on private land which doesn’t belong to them as they are legally not allowed to.


                        Residents have been in touch to voice their concerns regarding the width of the footway and lights which are not effective. After some discussions it was agreed that the Clerk would write to residents with houses along that stretch and ask for their foliage to be cut back as a first step.  Widening of the path by scraping back the earth slippage would only work if a retaining structure was put in place – it might be worth talking to longterm residents of the area to find out what it used to be like before, and then bring to a future meeting to discuss a way forward and permanent solution.


Cllr O’Brien had previously come up with a scheme which had been submitted to Annette Thornton but she advised that they no longer dealt with TPO’s and she passed to the development management scheme. They looked into the parking in this area and confirmed they did not identify any parking safety issues.

The Clerk advised that the road was adopted by Essex Highways in 2016 and after 5 years it becomes the responsibility of the North Essex Parking Partnership. They currently have an 18-month waiting list for schemes so it was agreed to submit this to them now as it will be 5 years by the time this is considered!

Cllr Richards asked if the Clerk could endeavour to follow up on waiting restrictions which had been approved but never implemented in Croasdaile Road, Spencer Close, Walson Way and Newell Drive.


The Clerk advised that a few calls and emails had been received from residents regarding this. The North Essex Parking Partnership has been monitoring this and making regular visits but have so far not found a vehicle obstructing the pavement. They will continue to keep an eye on the situation and carry on with regular checks. Ray asked if photos would be helpful but it was pointed out that if there is an obstruction then this would need to be reported to the police. We are happy for pictures to be sent into the office which can be passed onto our PCSO.

Meeting closed at 8.05pm


300                  Clerk to chase Annette Thornton for meeting with senior Officers regarding Church Road S106 project

300                  Send Ray Woodcock the contact details for Gorsefield

302                  The Clerk to find out if the wood for the proposed railings will be treated and to go ahead and arrange for the work to be completed

303             The Clerk to send a letter to Annette Thornton and Cty Cllr Gooding copying in Cabinet members expressing the disappointment of the group

303                  The Clerk to find out from Annette Thornton when the money would need to be returned to the developers

304                  Clerk to send another letter to everyone expressing the groups disappointment

305                  The Clerk to progress proposals with Highways

307                  Write to household regarding cutting back of foliage and to speak to long term residents

308                  Submit previous scheme to the North Essex Parking Partnership and chase up outstanding schemes which had been previously agreed


You are invited to attend a meeting of the HIGHWAYS SUB-COMMITTEE to be held on Wednesday 4th March 2020 at 7.00pm in The Mountfitchet Exchange, Crafton Green, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex.

1          To receive apologies for absence

2          To receive Declarations of Interest

3          To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd October 2019

4          Matters Arising

5          Chairman’s Report

6          Windmill Fields – to consider funding for possible railings

7          Update on Section 106 projects

8          Update on projects submitted to the Uttlesford Local Highways Panel

9          Grove Hill – Heavy goods vehicles – update from the meeting with Essex Highways

10        Gypsy Lane – footway proposals from Cllr Wallace-Jarvis

11        Bentfield Road – consider any improvement measures on the footway beyond Bentfield Gardens junction

12        Bentley Drive – consider any further waiting restrictions in this area

13        Cambridge Road – parking issues near Domino’s

Ruth Clifford, Parish Clerk – 26th February 2020