
Highways Minutes & Agenda – 4th April 2022

Highways Uploaded on May 3, 2023


You are summoned to attend a meeting of the HIGHWAYS SUB-COMMITTEE which will be held on Monday 4th April at 7.30pm in The Mountfitchet Exchange, Crafton Green, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted, Essex where the following business will be transacted:

1          To approve apologies for absence

2          To receive declarations of interest

3          To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13th October 2021

4          To receive an update on progress since the last meeting

5          To receive the Chairman’s Report

6          To receive an update from County Councillor Ray Gooding on the following items:

a) Outcomes following visit from Cllr Lee Scott – Essex County Council

b) To receive an update on the enforcement of weight restrictions on Grove Hill

c) Date of a multi-agency meeting to discuss flooding

7          To clarify the options for parking restrictions and the consultation process for residents

8          Speed Watch – To consider promoting Speed Watch volunteers

9          To receive an update relating to traffic surveys of the village

10        To receive an update on Section 106 projects

11        Uttlesford Local Highways Panel

a) To receive a report from the Chair on submitted projects b) To consider suggestions from members for future projects

Ruth Clifford, Parish Clerk – 28 March 2022