
Highways Minutes & Agenda – 23rd October 2019

Highways Uploaded on May 3, 2023


Minutes of a meeting of the HIGHWAYS SUB-COMMITTEE held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 23rd October 2019 in the Council Offices, Crafton Green House, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex

PRESENT          Cllr G Sell (Chairman), Cllrs J Harding, M Jessup, A Khan, J O’Brien, F Richards and R Woodcock Esq


Mrs R Clifford – Clerk

Mrs E Philbrick – Admin Assistant

Cllr D Wallace-Jarvis

1 member of the public

124      APOLOGIES

            Apologies were received from Cllr M Caton and P L Jones Esq

125      DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST    –           None


            The minutes of the meeting were approved as a full and accurate record


Page 21 regarding Burton End – District Cllrs A Khan and M Caton did a letter drop to houses regarding the parking concerns. 1 resident had emailed back agreeing it was an issue. After the letter was delivered the problem seemed to be resolved but then Cllr Khan was contacted to say it had started up again. He had not checked recently and hadn’t been        informed the situation was still bad but if so then they may knock on houses.  Cllr Khan also advised the meeting that he had been informed of another issue in Burton End that a resident had complained that their grass verge is wearing away due to large lorries using the road and driving over it and their hedge is being damaged. The resident said he had  informed the Parish Council previously of this issue. The Clerk advised that he would need to  contact Essex Highways and that the Parish Council would contact them on the resident’s   behalf. The Clerk confirmed she would let Dist Cllr Khan and Cty Cllr Gooding know once done and keep them updated.

Ray Woodcock advised that the parking in Burton End is tricky and dangerous and needed to be addressed. The Clerk advised that the two options she thought were available is a residents’ parking scheme if they all agreed and they would have to do this themselves or  parking restrictions which would have to go through Essex Highways and go out to   consultation etc. Cllr Sell advised that they would need to gauge residents support as the letters delivered did not get much feedback. Cllr Khan advised that evidence gathered so far is that the parking issue is being caused by one household in particular which was an Air BNB property. After discussions it was agreed that the first course of action would be that the Clerk would contact our new PCSO and ask her to pay a visit to the area. If there are any vehicles parked illegally and dangerously then she should have the power to find out who   the vehicles belong to.

Cllr Richards asked what was happening with regards to the yellow lines at the top of Chapel Hill as when cars are parked there it obscures the crossing making it extremely dangerous.The Clerk advised that the residents consultation provided a 50/50 feedback. After some discussion it was decided that the Council would apply for double yellow lines through the Parking Partnership due to the dangerous situation on the crossing and this is being used more by children due to the opening of the new Magna Carta School.

128      CHAIRMAN’S REPORT   –           Nothing to report


The Clerk showed the meeting pictures of evidence gathered by Cllr Kavanagh to show the parking issues on Windmill Fields. Quotes had been obtained by the Clerk to extend by 1  parking bay which would cost £2800 and also for fencing along 1 side of Windmill Field with  a timber gate for access to grass cutting and for when events take place which would cost  £3129. The funding would have to come from the Brook Road Section 106. There would not be enough to do both jobs so maybe start with the fencing first.  After some discussion it  was proposed by Cllr Richards:

RESOLVED to go ahead with the post and rail fencing as outlined

This was seconded by Cllr Sell and unanimously agreed.


The Clerk advised that she had spoken to Annette Thornton and they were still looking at Church Road. Cty Cllr Gooding had been copied in on the emails and he gave support to the Parish comments that the build-outs are not fit for purpose, especially for cyclists. Annette had commented that they might need to have a re-think. It was agreed that the Parish Council would request a meeting with senior members and officers.

The Clerk advised that she had spoken to the Officer at Highways regarding the Lower Street      crossing but they were still awaiting a start date.


The Clerk reminded the Committee of the projects and advised she had received no updates since the last meeting.  Cllr Sell advised that he had received an email from Rissa Long and 3 of the projects were going through the panel. The signage for Grove Hill had been delayed but this was hopefully going through this financial year. It had not yet been decided what financial year the project for a village sign on Silver Street or signage in and around the village would fall in to.  Cllr Sell would endeavour to find out about the other projects submitted.


There had been an increasing number of emails being received about the issues and congestion on Grove Hill which is now a daily occurrence.  Vehicles are regularly mounting  the pavement which is extremely dangerous. The Clerk advised that there is very little the Parish Council can do apart from keep chasing Cty Cllr Gooding who had already advised at the last Full Council meeting that he has instructed officers to visit the area and do a review.

Ray Woodcock advised that as well as all the issues mentioned, air quality was also a big issue. The monitor on Grove Hill is further away from the road than any other monitor in the village and if put closer then the reading would be a lot higher. The only two options he can see that would help reduce the issues is to remove on-street parking which he doesn’t agree with or put another set of traffic lights further back. Cllr Sell asked if the Council had contacted Gorsefield as they have a lot of young members visiting over summer who walk the route to get to the Windmill etc and ask what issues they have encountered as pedestrians.

Meeting closed at 7.50pm


1          The Clerk to ask the new PCSO to visit Burton End with regards to illegal and dangerous parking

2          The Clerk to contact Essex Highways with regards to damage to the verge and hedge of property in Burton End

3          Apply to the Parking Partnership for double yellow lines at the top of Chapel Hill

4          Go ahead with the quote for the rail and post fencing on Windmill Fields

5          Request a meeting with senior members and officers at Highways regarding Church Road  S106 project

6          Contact Gorsefield to ask what issues if any their members had encountered on Grove Hill


NOTICE OF MEETING You are invited to attend a meeting of the HIGHWAYS SUB-COMMITTEE to be held on Wednesday 23rd October 2019 at 7.00pm in the Council Offices, Crafton Green House, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex.

1 To receive apologies for absence

2 To receive Declarations of Interest

3 To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 12th June 2019

4 Matters Arising

5 Chairman’s Report

6 Windmill Fields – to consider parking arrangements

7 Update on Section 106 projects

8 Update on projects submitted to the Uttlesford Local Highways Panel

9 Grove Hill – Heavy goods vehicles – update on Essex Highways plans

Ruth Clifford Parish Clerk 17th October 2019