
Highways Minutes – 6th March 2019

Highways Uploaded on May 3, 2023


Minutes of a meeting of the HIGHWAYS SUB-COMMITTEE held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 6 March 2019 in the Council Offices, Crafton Green House, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex

PRESENT: Cllr C Dean (Chairman), Cllrs M Caton, M Jessup, P L Jones, F Richards, J Salmon and V Trundle. R Woodcock Esq

ATTENDING: Cllrs Kavanagh and Wallace-Jarvis Mrs R Clifford – Clerk Mr T Lloyd- Assistant to the Clerk 4 members of the public 407

TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs J O’Brien and G Sell. 408


TO RECEIVE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24 OCTOBER 2018 The minutes were accepted as a full and accurate record. 410

MATTERS ARISING (243) The Clerk will forward the Lower Street roundabout Safety Audit to members via email. A number of issues have been identified but these will need to be considered by Essex Highways before any action will be taken. Mr Woodcock considered that any repositioning of the roundabout would not reduce the risk of collisions on the roundabout. 411

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Chairman responded to an email she had received from Mr Woodcock. (i) Monitoring air quality needs to be an ongoing priority. Any adverse results need a prompt response. (ii) The April Link pages have a consultation article relating to Chapel Hill. (iii) She has written to two transport companies about overweight lorries using Grove Hill. (iv)District PCSO have been requested to support Speed Watch activities. (vi)There has been no further news on the proposed Lower Street pedestrian crossing. 412

UPDATE ON SECTION 106 PROJECTS The Chairman reported that she had been informed that there was £155,500 left in the budget which would be eaten up by the proposed work on Cambridge Road and Church Road. She updated the committee on other proposals that were potential section 106 projects. Discussion took place over EH’s proposal to reposition the middle build-out on Church Road. It was agreed that this would only serve to move the speeding problem downhill. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Cabinet Member for Highways (copying Cty Cllr Gooding and David Sprunt) to request speed tables instead of the three build-outs. The Jordan Close footbridge is now in place.

413 FLY-PARKING – TO CONSIDER THE REPORT FROM CLLR O’BRIEN – ATTACHED It was agreed that MAG should be approached for funding for parking bays on the Mountfitchet Estate which is a “hotspot” for fly parking. A suggestion that fly parking hotspots should be plotted on a map was agreed.

414 PUBLIC TRANSPORT Cllr Trundle reported that the 7A bus was being rerouted due to road closures. It was agreed to try and get a copy of the revised timetable and make this widely available as possible.

415 UPDATE ON PROJECTS SUBMITTED TO THE UTTLESFORD LOCAL HIGHWAYS PANEL Two submissions sent to the ULHP in 2017 were yet to be validated; further submissions recently submitted will no doubt take a similar length of time.

416 TO CONSIDER FURTHER PROJECTS FOR THE ULHP: TO IMPLEMENT PARKING RESTRICTIONS EITHER SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE TO HARGRAVE MEWS The Clerk explained that any parking restrictions in the vicinity of Hargrave Mews would require majority support from all the residents in the area. As the proposal would result in the loss of a number of parking spaces there are likely to be objections. Agreed to write to residents.

PARKING BAY ON HIGH LANE The Chairman circulated photographs of two parking areas on High Lane . The parking area on the western side of the road is an official area and residents have created a parking area on verges on the opposite side of High Lane. She asked the residents present to outline the issues they have with parking outside their properties. The Chairman proposed that the Uttlesford Highways Panel be requested to make a site visit to see if it was feasible for to extend either lay-by for designated residents’ parking.

417 UPDATE: PROPOSED WAITING RESTRICTIONS FOR BENTLEY DRIVE. Cllr Jones reported that he and the Clerk had inspected the site and although he accepted that double yellow lines would improve the situation for residents in Bentley Road he felt it would simply move the problem into neighbouring roads. It was agreed to plot further double yellow lines on a plan and submit back to the NEPP/Essex Highways for implementation.

Meeting closed at 8.05pm.