Reviewed and re-adopted by Full Council on 11th December 2024
Stansted Mountfitchet Parish Council is committed to engaging all residents by encouraging them to become actively involved in decisions that affect them and the community, to delivering better services and to improve the quality of life of residents by creating a more active and informed community.
The aim of the Community Engagement Strategy Policy is to:
- Improve the way in which the Council communicates with residents.
- Listen to the views of residents on important issues.
- Use these issues to deliver better services.
- Improve long-term social, economic and environmental well-being of residents.
- Plan future development of the parish in accordance with community priorities and needs.
The objectives of the Community Engagement Strategy are to:
- Use a variety of methods to make information available.
- Actively facilitate and encourage community engagement.
- Proactively engage with all sections of the community.
- Ensure that decisions meet the needs of the community by involving members of the community in the decision-making process.
- Work in partnership with other organisations and authorities to improve the quality and delivery of services.
- Enhance the well-being of members of the community.
Information will be made available in a variety of ways to ensure that all sections of the community are reached.
Parish Council Office
Residents may contact the Parish Council office by email, in person and by telephone during the following hours:
Monday 10am – 2pm
Tuesday 10am – 2pm
Wednesday 10am – 2pm
Thursday 10am – 2pm
Friday 10am – 2pm
Details on how to contact the Parish Council office and Councillors are provided on the Parish Council website and in the village magazine (The Link) which is distributed free of charge through every door in the village.
Press releases to manage the media effectively to promote the Parish Council.
Use of the Parish Council logo to promote the Parish Council.
Parish Council Noticeboards
Information including agendas for meetings and contact details for the Clerk and Councillors is displayed on two of the village noticeboards, the one outside the Parish Council Shed and one on Lower Street.
The Link magazine
A copy of the Link Magazine is delivered to every household in Stansted Mountfitchet for 11 months each year. The Parish Council has 4 pages in the magazine which informs residents of news within the Parish, a report from a District Councillor and contact details for the Parish Council office, all councillors, the Essex County Councillor, the MP and for the village PCSO amongst other information.
The Parish Council Website
The website provides a large amount of information including Agendas and Minutes for meetings, Parish Council policies and reports, local news, forthcoming events and contact details of staff members and councillors.
Social Media
A social media Facebook page, X (formerlyTwitter) account and Instagram account have been developed and are overseen by the Clerk. News and events are regularly published.
Parish Council Meetings
Full Council meetings are held every three weeks where possible and the meetings are open to the public. Public Participation is allocated during the meeting for residents to make comments and ask questions. Other Committee meetings are scheduled throughout the year and the yearly meeting calendar is published on the Parish Council website.
Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting is held to report back to residents on the Council’s activities over the previous year and to give them the opportunity to contribute to plans for the village.
Access to Parish Councillors
Councillor contact details are displayed on the Parish Council website and in the monthly village magazine. These can also be found on two of the Parish Council noticeboards, the one on the outside of the Parish Council shed at the top of Chapel Hill and the one on Lower Street.
Councillors can be contacted on these numbers and email addresses to discuss concerns or questions about local issues.
Consultations and surveys on important issues within our remit will be carried out. The Parish Council will ensure that those most affected by an issue will be given the opportunity to voice an opinion.
Results of all such consultations or surveys will be made available to all members of the village.
Parish Councillors represent the Parish Council on various outside bodies including:
- Essex Association of Local Councils
- Uttlesford Association of Local Councils
- Essex Passenger Transport Liaison Group
- Stansted Trust Funds
- Tennis Club
This is to ensure good two-way communication.
The Parish Council is committed to working with local voluntary and community groups to improve the quality of life for residents in the village.
The Parish Council has a Grants Scheme to provide financial support to local groups and organisations
The Parish Council will work with local authorities (Uttlesford District Council and Essex County Council and the Police and Fire Service) to ensure an improvement in the quality and delivery of services.
The Parish Council will work with neighbouring parish councils to find a solution to common problems.
The Parish Council will continue to support and engage with local organisations to assist them in meeting their own aims and objectives.
The Parish Council will continue to support local projects and events.