Parish Council requests an update on Manor Road flats

Parish Council requests an update on Manor Road flats

The portfolio holder for housing at Uttlesford District Council, Arthur Coote, has been invited to attend September’s Full Council so as to provide an update on what is being done to tackle the poor condition of the Manor Road flats in Stansted. You can read the letter issuing the invite by the Parish Council below.

Dear Cllr Coote

We are writing in response to concerns from parishioners (both tenants and leaseholders) and local district councillors regarding the condition of the above flats.  Please can you provide us with the record of maintenance for these properties for the last 5 years, together with the most recent Stock Condition Report.

From reports we have received, and from District Cllr Gooding’s visits to some of the properties, it is clear that this has been a long-standing issue.  Can you please inform us of any actions that will be taken to address this issue, together with the timescale, to enable us to report back to residents.

We presume that Environmental Health are fully aware of and have inspected the conditions that residents are living in and it would be helpful if you could include their most recent reports with the information requested above.

At our Full Council meeting last week, members resolved to invite you to come along to our next meeting, on Wednesday 4th September, to give a briefing on the current state of all UDC accommodation in Stansted Mountfitchet and an update on the renewal of the maintenance contract which we understand will no longer be with Norse.

We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Cllr Maureen Caton,
Chair of the Parish Council


Other action taken

In addition, to offering the invite, Stansted Mounfitchet Parish Council has emailed the Environmental Health department at UDC to see if they could assist with details/reports of any inspections.

As the properties are owned by the district council, they do not fall under the same criteria for inspections as we understand it.

Environmental Health department at UDC have confirmed they are aware that there are issues relating to the flats and have contacted their outsourced maintenance contractors and asked them to send further information to the Parish Council.