Bentfield Parking Measures

Bentfield Parking Measures

A request for parking restrictions to be introduced on Bentfield Road is to be submitted following a consultation with residents in the area.

the last meeting of the Highways sub-committee in April it was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council should apply to the North Essex Parking Partnership for parking restrictions to be applied along Bentfield Road on the grounds of improving highway safety. This follows on from a consultation in The Link magazine, with the majority of respondents in favour of their introduction.

The sub-committee also committed to consulting with Bentfield residents about the necessity of introducing a 20mph speed limit in the area including along the B1383. Councillors have expressed reservations that the introduction of such a zone along a road where traffic flows can be heavy may cause further traffic issues.

Subsidised Permits?

Councillors are also to research funding methods for the potential introduction of a village wide scheme of parking restrictions to curb the unwelcome practice of on-street airport-related parking. A particular concern of the sub-committee is that the introduction of restrictions in a piecemeal manner has the potential to push airport parkers to areas of the village where there are no existing restrictions.

It has been noted that in areas with airports of a similar size to Stansted, for example Manchester, the cost of parking permits for residents is met by airport authorities. Councillors are keen to explore whether the Manchester Airport Group, which also runs Stansted Airport, could be persuaded to fund permits for our community.

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