B1383 Four Week Closure

B1383 Four Week Closure

Affinity Water roadworks along a section of the B1383 will see the road closed for four weeks from Monday, January 15th.

Repairs to water mains along the B1383 by Affinity Water will see the highway closed from the Old Bell to the junction of Forest Hall Road until Sunday, February 11th.

As there is concern from residents about the impact of these roadworks, we have been in contact with Essex Highways and Affinity Water to clarify the scope of the traffic measures proposed and how long they will last.

How long will the closure last?

Some residents may have received texts and/or letters with a start date of January 8th. Affinity Water have confirmed this was done in error and the roadworks won’t begin before January 15th, ie the start date on Essex Highways’ permit. They are due to be completed by Sunday, February 11.

Where will the road be closed?

The B1383 will be closed from The Old Bell along to the junction with Forest Hall Road.

Forest Hall Junction

Affinity Water in an update on Friday on January 5, they will now not be closing this junction.

Will there be traffic signals at Tot Lane?

Given the lengthy official diversion route, if the junction is closed it is likely people will drive down Tot Lane. Essex Highways say concerns over traffic backing up on the A120 mean traffic lights cannot be used to control traffic flow along the lane.

For more Information

If you would like updates on Affinity Water’s roadworks head to Essex Highways’ interactive roadworks map.

5 thoughts on “B1383 Four Week Closure

  1. Are you all completely mad .This has been so badly planned it has caused chaos to all the residents and commuters.surely lights could have kept travel moving and to close J8 down as well has more or less made getting home impossible .I vhad to travel by the airport then through Bishops Stortford then over the fields to Rickling at 11.00 at night .Do these works bit by bit and think of others for a change

  2. Was wondering if anyone from Affinity Water saw the traffic jams in both Toot Lane and even worse in Forest Hall Road late afternoon yesterday? With all the parked cars in the latter it was exceedingly dangerous and cannot continue like that for 4 weeks. Cars will be damaged and the frustration will cause accidents!

  3. I can only assume that the body who signed this road closure off is vastly populated by non drivers who actively hate car users, and somehow conclude that an additional 20 + mile diversion loop makes environmental sense. This road closure is a nonsense coupled with its diversion route and is, in a single word, shameful.

    1. I drove up from Folkestone to see my Mum in Hargrave House. I could not believe the 20 mile diversion. Surely there must be a shorter diversion?

  4. Those responsible for planning these road closures at the same time as major works on Bury Lodge Lane need to explain why this had to happen at the same time. Utterly senseless decision.

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